kali o. wrote:Gah, I wish I could gather up the strength to agrue here...
I can't...I must...arrrrgghh!
Ahhhh, I knew as soon as I saw that the newest post was by you that there would be something else to talk about.
Forget about the stupid ass name that doesn't resonate the notion of "gaming" to the average non-gamer (Playstation is the clear winner here, and at least Gamecube gave a hint to its function).
Since when does the name of a device have to relate to its function for it to be effective? If you didn't know what one was, would "iPod" resonate the notion of portable music? Does "Google" have anything to do with internet searches? How about "Hummer" - does that word on its own make you think about cars?
With the name being useless to convey anything about the product, advertising and word of mouth take on that function - and they've been pretty effective in the above three cases.
What is it that is appealing to the "new market" of non-gamers?
I already made my point here - it's non-imposing and doesn't immediately invoke thoughts of gaming as it is currently. Which makes sense if you think about it - if you're trying to market your product to someone who's never tried or embraced similar products before, why would you market it in a similar fashion to those other products?
The low price? Sorry, Nintendo has been there already and it resulted in last place.
Wait, so the
price was the reason the Cube came in last? It had nothing to do with - oh, I dunno - the relative lack of enough quality games to gain mass acceptance, or Nintendo's failure to shake their kiddy image?
The low specs/lack of HD? Casuals don't care, videogamers/techies do. Good way to alienate your core market.
I doubt gamers will care all that much, seriously. I've seen movies broadcast on my HD channels before, and they honestly don't look that much better than my regular DVDs in 480p. Besides, Resident Evil 4 looked fantastic and I played that in 4:3 Expanded mode in 480i - as long as the Wii can deliver 16:9 480p, I'm good.
And besides besides, there's likely not going to be a whole hell of a lot of difference between the Wii and the PS3/360 anyways, at least not to the point that it's going to turn off anyone but super-elitist graphics whores. The leap between the PSX/Saturn gen and the PS2/Xbox/GC gen was huge - this current one, not so much. I mean, does Dead or Alive 4 really look
that much better than Soul Calibur for the DC?
Beginning with the second wave of 360 games, next-gen games will actually start looking next gen, but again I doubt that the gap will be so big it will turn people off the Wii entirely.
The VC? [...] Ha!
[...] And just what does this function do to the already suspected fragile 3rd party support? Sure as hell ain't helping.
You've got a point on the VC, unless they work it like some have suspected and you pay a subscription fee for unlimited plays/downloads (which would make a lot more sense). Unless they offer demo versions of the ROMs for free like XBLA does, I can't see casual gamers paying real money for NES games out of anything but nostalgia (which will wear off pretty quickly).
As far as the "already suspected fragile third party support", Game Informer had an interview this month with one of the NOA VPs who said something along the lines of learning from the mistakes of the Cube and making sure that there's plenty of support/games over the first year of launch (I don't have the mag or the interview in front of me right now).
The "Wiimote"? Are you fucking kidding me? First, it's more complicated in practice.
And you know this...how?
Second, the concept isn't new - why hasn't this technology been embraced by the PC community...after all, a shitload of "casuals" sure as hell own a PC.
What, you mean like a gyroscopic mouse? I would say it's because gyroscopic mice are being adapted to software that wasn't originally designed with that hardware in mind and didn't offer any major advantages/differences.
Whereas in this case the software is being built from the ground up to exclusively work with the new hardware, and the capabilities of the hardware are being taken into account during the design phase to incorporate new ideas that are substantially different from videogame control schemes that we have seen in the past.
Nintendo is fucking up big time - why? Because they have been severely retarded since the SNES and if it weren't for their handhelds, they'd have pulled a Sega.
Honestly, I can't believe anyone is defending Nintendo these days. They've given up...they aren't relevant anymore. Wii is nothing but a last ditch attempt to cater to their home market where MS has a weak hold and at least they have a chance.
If you like Nintendo games, then the Wii is an easy purchase for sure - but for god sakes, don't fucking buy into their bullshit for a 3rd time...or worse yet, be a mouth-piece for their Wii (*runs off laughing like a giddy 5 year old*).
Holy shit, Kali - did Nintendo send someone to personally come over to your house and shove a broomstick up your ass?
(The following rant is more or less an open letter, and not directed solely at Kali.)
I started reading Joystiq, Kotaku, and Fark about a month ago and I read the comments there and on other gaming commentary sites, and I must say, the bashing of a game company is something I will never understand. I mean, how are they personally doing you any harm whatsoever by providing an entertainment product for your consumption? What personal good does it do you, or anyone else, to anonymously and generically rant against a company or game console?
Now, allow me to clarify that ranting against a
game, that you personally played and disliked, is perfectly valid. Ranting about said game helps alleviate the frustrations it produced, and can help others make a more informed decision and spend their entertainment dollars more wisely. But ranting against a console is an exercise in futility, as no one person could possibly play every game available for a console and be able to offer a comprehensive opinion about the console's quality, and ranting against a company is an exercise in stupidity as it is completely pointless and doesn't impart any useful information to anyone.
Most perplexing is the tendency people have had lately to bash
unreleased consoles. How are you supposed to be able to personally form an informed negative opinion about something that doesn't even exist?
(Aside: Of course, that begs the question about how someone is able to personally form an informed *positive* opinion. To that, I would answer that it is impossible to form a positive pre-release opinion as well. See, since the only pre-release information is usually tightly controlled by the company producing the item and is obviously positive in nature, the only informed opinions one would be able to form would be optimistic, if one believes the hype, or skeptical, if one disbelives it.)
Naturally following my perplexity at *how* someone would form a pre-release negative opinion is *why* someone would. Success in the game industry breeds all sorts of good things: competition, innovation, technological advancement, new IPs - in short,
better games. Since the gaming industry is not entirely zero-sum in nature (meaning the percentage of the market that each company holds is while the overall size of the market itself is not), what good does it do any gamer anywhere to put a company down? Why would any gamer not wish for the entire industry to succeed and thus improve his hobby?
Again, there are places where disparagement can be useful - if a game made by a particular company sucks. Negative word-of-mouth around that game will cause sales to drop, thus giving feedback to the developer that they need to do something different to improve their next game - thus again
making games better.
I guess my big problem is that I can't understand why any gamer would want anything but games getting better.
(End rant.)