So for a while now, my WMP has crashed whenever I try to view a video file. I've just used VLC as an alternative and it's been fine. But for the last couple of months, windows will crash (not freeze, just wipes everything off the screen and then comes back -- other programs are not affected) if I even open a file CONTAINING videos. Downloading avis, mpegs, or whatever to my desktop does not result in a crash unless I try to play them.
I had WMP 9 when this problem started, then uninstalled and tried 10. Same problems. Tried 11b, same problems. Now I'm not convinced it has something to do with a newer version as I had been using 9 (I think) for a long while before this problem started. It's only now I'm really apt to nip this problem in the bud since I'm trying to run videos through my 360/HDTV via Media Center. Pictures and music work fine through it, but videos will give me an error message.
Help a brother out. And no, I don't have in iPod to give away. Just a lot of gratitude.
I had WMP 9 when this problem started, then uninstalled and tried 10. Same problems. Tried 11b, same problems. Now I'm not convinced it has something to do with a newer version as I had been using 9 (I think) for a long while before this problem started. It's only now I'm really apt to nip this problem in the bud since I'm trying to run videos through my 360/HDTV via Media Center. Pictures and music work fine through it, but videos will give me an error message.
Help a brother out. And no, I don't have in iPod to give away. Just a lot of gratitude.