Saluations and Greetings.
I'm RentCavalier, last time I checked, and I am quite glad to be here. I was invited to this here board of yours by one M'k'n'zy, whom I hope is somebody whose associates you do not outright kill, murder, or otherwise injure in a bodily way.
I'm not terribly good at introducing myself, especially when I'm trying to sound sophisticated at the same time, so I'll just leave this at that, and fill up the remaining spaces here with a parade of smilies.
I'm RentCavalier, last time I checked, and I am quite glad to be here. I was invited to this here board of yours by one M'k'n'zy, whom I hope is somebody whose associates you do not outright kill, murder, or otherwise injure in a bodily way.
I'm not terribly good at introducing myself, especially when I'm trying to sound sophisticated at the same time, so I'll just leave this at that, and fill up the remaining spaces here with a parade of smilies.