Likely for a while due to a trademark dispute. Basically, someone beat Apple to it up here ... emark.html
I revel in the suffering of the Apple bitches. Maybe they'll be forced to look for similar, superior, cheaper products now.....but likely not.
Of course, it's been available by "eductional" means up here for a long time now. I was looking at an unlocked one yesterday (nope, no desire to get one - I don't own a cell and have no need for one - just wanted to see what the hype was all about; at the end of the day, it's a glorified iPod with phone capabilities) ... emark.html
I revel in the suffering of the Apple bitches. Maybe they'll be forced to look for similar, superior, cheaper products now.....but likely not.
Of course, it's been available by "eductional" means up here for a long time now. I was looking at an unlocked one yesterday (nope, no desire to get one - I don't own a cell and have no need for one - just wanted to see what the hype was all about; at the end of the day, it's a glorified iPod with phone capabilities)
I was there on that fateful day, were you?