The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Official Flip update:...

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
 #115008  by Flip
 Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:06 am
I feel as if this is a good time to give everyone the 411 on my crazy life given the random and recent events. Please forgive me on any and all grammatical mistakes and/or incoherent sentences, because 1) i'm not much of a lingusit (inspite my attempts), 2) i'm a little intoxicated (yes, it is a wed night/thursday morning), and 3) i'm still trying to sort it all out myself...

Three years ago it started. I was 24, a year out of college and a year into my marriage. Things had started out well enough, but a piece of me already knew that things were not quite right... Looking back at it now, i know that it was all wrong from the beginning. Kim was my first real long term girlfriend, my first real love, and my first real lover. Everything seemed right! We went from dating to serious to engaged to married before i even knew it, yet it seemed the natural progression and... normal. It took that first year of actual marriage for me to see that i wasnt, in fact, happy. I went through the motions and now i was stuck.

Instead of doing what was right, talking to her and/or talking to a third person, i sought solice in another way. I created my secret life as a gambler and became addicted to the liftstyle. Like many others who have addictions, gambling became my escape and the only real thing that i wanted. Two years of that and i was in deep, very deep. I had my share of winning thousands, and def my share of losing it. By the time i decided enough was enough, i was tens of thousands in the hole and didnt know what to do. I had done all of this behind Kim's back and didnt think she would forgivr me. Like some of you know... i took off.

I drove.... and drove. I was gone for a week and thought that leaving all friends and family behind was the best answer. If they were away from my addiction, it was all for the better. I was the scum of the earth for putting me and my loved ones in this situation, the best solution was to remove myself forever. I thought this at the time and truly believed it. After that week, i found the courage to check my e-mails and found that i was wrong. People wanted me back and wanted to help.

I came back to face what i had created and have been dealing with it still. At first, Kim did not invite me back to the house we owned, so i lived with my parents for a time. After a few months, a friend of mine invited me to take a room in his house. He owned a 5 bedroom place with a bunch of cool younger guys and i jumped at the opportunity. The rent was cheap, and even with half a mortgage payment, i could afford it. Kim and I continued to try and deal with us while i also tried to deal with my responsibility.

I lived there for a year. The friend who offered the room became a best friend and things were tight, monetarily, but doable. I visited Kim at her new house in North Carolina this past Thanksgiving (our house was for sale and empty), we were still talking and trying to give things a fair chance. During that weekend we got into an argument of some sort to which she decided to throw out the latest bombshell. Three days after i left she had been with the guy who i was living with.

I thought she was lying. I went 'home' convinced she was lying. Upon confronting my friend it was obvious she was not. Appearently they vowed to never tell me... why? Who knows. How he could live with me under his roof for a year without ever telling me? Who knows.

Its been a few months and i am back living in the house we are trying to sell. A year and a half after our separation and things are still not settled. Its is a mess. Luckily, everything besides this house is finalized. This is the last asset we own. The market sucks and it will take time to sell, but for the time being i am actually happy to be here. In fact, the last year and a half (besides the bombshell) has been pretty damn good. I am dating girls (after our official separation agreement), feeling good about myself, and having lots of fun.

The big deal is still this house. I talk to Kim, due to this house, and we are social, but there is no chance for us anymore. I have not talked to me friend since i moved out of his house and dont see a reason to continue that friendship. In the last year and a half, i have met a ton of new friends and know now what i am looking for in a woman... of which (if you dont mind me tooting my own horn) there are a lot of.

I wont lie, though... having been stabbed by family and friend... im not in a good state. In spite the side business. I was in therapy for the mess i made myself and Kim in the beginning, and this latest news has driven me back.

I need to sell this fucking house and lose all ties with her so i can finally move on. Luckily, i have found solice in jesus and i always have my family, but christ i think i need something else. The latest girls have been fun... but it isnt remotely the same. I dont need Kim, but fuck, i need something........?

Thats where i am. I am dealing, and i think it is the best way right now... but i dont know what to do. Luckily, i havent been driven to gambling again, but fuck.... what is out there?

 #115012  by Tessian
 Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:03 am
wow... and I thought I had a rough year breaking up with a gf I'm still renting an apartment with. You mentioned it in another thread... but if your friend and her had sex a few days after you had run away that's definitely cheating; I mean fuck that's not even enough time to start complaining to the cops where you were. Sorry you had to go through that man.

Do you like the house? Good location and all? Is it possible to just buy her share/stake in it and keep it for yourself?

 #115013  by Lox
 Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:16 am
Sorry to hear about your rough times, man. I've thought you seemed less yourself and more edgy for a bit and now I understand why. I'd feel the same in your situation. I should have PM'd you to see if everything was ok. Sorry I didn't, man.

I'm glad you're working through everything and moving on. Feeling good about yourself and having fun is key, I think.

That is a ridiculous bombshell. That, to me, is one of the unforgivable deeds in a marriage (or relationship, in general). I can't even imagine how I would feel if I was in your shoes.

If you need to talk about anything, feel free to PM me.

 #115016  by Blotus
 Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:01 am
I feel for you, bruh. That's a situation I can't imagine bring in. Glad you are on track for getting your life back together... you crazy Filipino bastard.

Hey Tess, I think I'm going to join the "living with your ex" club in a few days.

 #115027  by Eric
 Thu Dec 27, 2007 5:17 pm
So much drama. I don't even know what to say. :(

 #115028  by Tessian
 Thu Dec 27, 2007 5:19 pm
Black Lotus wrote: Hey Tess, I think I'm going to join the "living with your ex" club in a few days.
Haha oh god, really? Sorry to hear that man... first order of club business is to get official "I'm living with my ex and now I have to masturbate to porn every time she goes out" shirts.

I tell you, even if you get the living arrangements to be at least on nice terms it's STILL weird and tough. I've had prospective new girlfriends turn me down because they didn't want to deal with the drama of dating someone who lives with their ex; even though our lease is up in April.

 #115031  by Imakeholesinu
 Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:43 pm
Tessian wrote:
Black Lotus wrote: Hey Tess, I think I'm going to join the "living with your ex" club in a few days.
Haha oh god, really? Sorry to hear that man... first order of club business is to get official "I'm living with my ex and now I have to masturbate to porn every time she goes out" shirts.
That has to be the best statement ever!
I tell you, even if you get the living arrangements to be at least on nice terms it's STILL weird and tough. I've had prospective new girlfriends turn me down because they didn't want to deal with the drama of dating someone who lives with their ex; even though our lease is up in April.
See, exs are officially your sexlife's kryptonite. That kinda sucks that you couldn't work it out with some of those girls and say "Well, can we stay at your place since my ex still is at my place? It's only for a few months then I get to move out." Especially if your ex has made it pretty clear that you are of no interest to her except for her squatting at your place for 4 more months. Then again, if they ever talked to one another about you, you can be sure they are going to fuck with you.

 #115032  by Julius Seeker
 Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:47 pm
Barret wrote:Then again, if they ever talked to one another about you, you can be sure they are going to fuck with you.
You see, the core rule is bitches be bitches. THe beauty of it all is that all women appreciate a big fucking penis a 5th of vodka and a fuck of a lot of wine weed and champagne.

If I may quote a friend like Jesus to me. Not directed at anyone, but:

We ain't singing, we bringing drama
fuck you and your mother fucking mama.
We gonna kill all you mother fuckers.
Now when I came out, I told you it was just about Biggie.
Then everybody had to open their mouth with a mother fuckin opinion
Well this is how we gon' do this:
fuck Mobb Deep,
fuck Biggie,
fuck Bad Boy as a staff, record label, and as a mother fuckin crew.
And if you want to be down with Bad Boy,
Then fuck you too.
Chino XL, fuck you too.
All you mother fuckers,
fuck you too.
All of y'all mother fuckers,
fuck you, die slow mother fucker.
My fo' fo' make sure all yo' kids don't grow.
You mother fuckers can't be us or see us.
We mother fuckin' Thug Life riders.
West Side till' we die!


 #115035  by Tessian
 Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:48 pm
Barret-- pretty much agree, except I am talking to someone else new now since Sunday that as long as she never runs into my ex she seems ok with the whole thing. So I promised I'd go see her for the next 4 months if that's what it took.

 #115039  by Eric
 Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:11 pm
Tessian wrote:
Black Lotus wrote: Hey Tess, I think I'm going to join the "living with your ex" club in a few days.
Haha oh god, really? Sorry to hear that man... first order of club business is to get official "I'm living with my ex and now I have to masturbate to porn every time she goes out" shirts.

I tell you, even if you get the living arrangements to be at least on nice terms it's STILL weird and tough. I've had prospective new girlfriends turn me down because they didn't want to deal with the drama of dating someone who lives with their ex; even though our lease is up in April.
I totally read this as cum on her pillow when she's out for some reason.

I am a sick sick bastard.

 #115040  by Tessian
 Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:15 pm
Eric wrote:
Tessian wrote:
Black Lotus wrote: Hey Tess, I think I'm going to join the "living with your ex" club in a few days.
Haha oh god, really? Sorry to hear that man... first order of club business is to get official "I'm living with my ex and now I have to masturbate to porn every time she goes out" shirts.

I tell you, even if you get the living arrangements to be at least on nice terms it's STILL weird and tough. I've had prospective new girlfriends turn me down because they didn't want to deal with the drama of dating someone who lives with their ex; even though our lease is up in April.
I totally read this as cum on her pillow when she's out for some reason.

I am a sick sick bastard.
That would be... pretty fucking sick. You disgust me Eric.

Just wipe it on her shirts.

 #115041  by Imakeholesinu
 Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:40 pm
Tessian wrote:Barret-- pretty much agree, except I am talking to someone else new now since Sunday that as long as she never runs into my ex she seems ok with the whole thing. So I promised I'd go see her for the next 4 months if that's what it took.
My opinion...she's a keeper!

BTW, I'm now officially off the market (No, I'm not dating Ish). I've met a nice med student with a great group of friends. Brunettes do it better.

 #115048  by Ronin121_usa
 Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:24 am
Ive got problems financially, but I kant say that I am ever been in a problem like that. That just sucks, ain't nothing else to say but that it just plain sucks. As so far as selling the house, that takes miracles these days thanks to our godforsaken government and crooked banks and credit dealers. I hope I live long enought to see the south rise again and the next civil war break out. The south and all their friends probably wouldn't win, but would be one hell of a fight.

Lets hope the next year is better, for ALL of us, even ISH. :D

 #115056  by Blotus
 Fri Dec 28, 2007 2:23 pm
Barret wrote: BTW, I'm now officially off the market (No, I'm not dating Ish). I've met a nice med student with a great group of friends. Brunettes do it better.

 #115063  by Blotus
 Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:18 pm
Well it's over. I saw it coming, but it's official. Almost two years now. I've never worked so hard on anything else I've ever done... I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm a goddamn wreck.

 #115067  by SineSwiper
 Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:06 pm
Oh, when you said "three days after we seperated", I thought you were talking about a real separation, like a "Fuck you whore, I'm bouncing" type separation. So, yeah, totally cheating.

And does everybody have these problems on this board. First you and now BL. Eric's been screwed by The Woman, and so has Barret. Hell, I'm having a hard time keeping track here.

 #115078  by Blotus
 Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:40 pm
That time of year, I guess.

I know four couples that got engaged this month and (now) four that have split.

Eric had a woman? :huh:

 #115084  by Eric
 Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:34 am
Black Lotus wrote:That time of year, I guess.

I know four couples that got engaged this month and (now) four that have split.

Eric had a woman? :huh:
Oh yeah I got burned.

I think the highlight was when she said she went to spend the night at her friend's house and I saw through her bullshit and found out she was at the guy's house.

They're married and have a kid now, life is bloody grand ain't it?

I'm thankful my life didn't have a compound of other issues at the time to make me further depressed/emo. But that pain in your chest that makes you physically sick does get better after a while.

 #115086  by Kupek
 Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:52 am
Has anyone not experienced heartbreak?

Not that everyone experiences it with wives and live-in girlfriends, but very few people get relationships right the first time.

 #115093  by Zeus
 Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:44 am
Kupek wrote:Has anyone not experienced heartbreak?

Not that everyone experiences it with wives and live-in girlfriends, but very few people get relationships right the first time.
I haven't. Been very lucky that way. I'm sure not really having a girlfriend until uni due to my weight then having my wife come after me at a time when I wasn't even really looking helped quite a bit. I can only really relate on an intellectual level.

 #115120  by kali o.
 Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:25 pm
As someone who has been the "other guy", I'm curious...who are you pissed more at? Your ex or your 'friend'?

I mean, I've always justified it with a "hey look, if she'd cheat with me, she'd cheat with someone else - at least now you know"...but then again, he didn't tell you (which is a pretty dick move).

Just curious.

 #115122  by Imakeholesinu
 Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:24 pm
kali o. wrote:As someone who has been the "other guy", I'm curious...who are you pissed more at? Your ex or your 'friend'?

I mean, I've always justified it with a "hey look, if she'd cheat with me, she'd cheat with someone else - at least now you know"...but then again, he didn't tell you (which is a pretty dick move).

Just curious.
I would have to say I'd be more pissed at her. If it was someone she knew though and that I knew, I'd definitely be equally pissed, but more at her for not having the resolve and willpower to overcome her impulses or avoid the situation. Perhaps, even to have the balls to end it before she did it as to not get the label of a cheater.

Plus, I'm a cancer, it's my nature to be jealous, that's why I don't keep Ex's around, because I know I'd go crazy if I saw her with another guy. This goes for all women prior and after. I don't even talk to the women I casually dated after we broke up.
Black Lotus wrote:Well it's over. I saw it coming, but it's official. Almost two years now. I've never worked so hard on anything else I've ever done... I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm a goddamn wreck.

So sorry to hear that. Had that same issue. No matter how much I gave and sacrificed, in the end it wasn't enough for her. It is tough to swallow that 2 years you spent is now going to end up with you back to the drawing board of singledom.

Worst part was not really knowing why things had to end. The more I think about it the more I believe it to be all bullshit. Then I figured out trying to analyze what happened wasn't getting me anywhere. You just need to forget about it, as difficult as that may be at this stage. Best thing you can do, find the things that make you happy. Find yourself again. Keep yourself busy. Doesn't matter what you do, as long as you aren't thinking about her. Do the things you couldn't do before, if she ever put limitations or didn't want to do something with you that you enjoyed. Chances are, you'll find someone with a common interest doing something you like.

And no pics of this one. Trying not to do the same things with her as with the ex's. She is different and I have to treat her as such.

 #115139  by Ishamael
 Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:02 am
Damn dude, sorry to hear that. But hey, you've got your health and in the end, that's the most important thing. Glad to hear you're taking active steps in making things better instead of moping about it.

 #115140  by Ishamael
 Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:02 am
Kupek wrote:Has anyone not experienced heartbreak?

Not me.

 #115141  by Ishamael
 Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:04 am
Barret wrote:
BTW, I'm now officially off the market (No, I'm not dating Ish).
Yep, Barret is strictly a booty call and we're allowed to date other people.

 #115142  by Tessian
 Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:06 am
Ishamael wrote:
Kupek wrote:Has anyone not experienced heartbreak?

Not me.
It's hard to be heartbroken when your relationships are restricted to gay anonymous one night stands ;)

 #115150  by Zeus
 Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:30 am
Ishamael wrote:
Kupek wrote:Has anyone not experienced heartbreak?

Not me.
It's good to hear. Lotus, don't string him along if you have any doubts, man....... :-)

 #115153  by Ishamael
 Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:38 am
Tessian wrote:
Ishamael wrote:
Kupek wrote:Has anyone not experienced heartbreak?

Not me.
It's hard to be heartbroken when your relationships are restricted to gay anonymous one night stands ;)
Being gangraped in a basement by you, Lox and Zeus might be gay, but it sure as hell ain't anonymous and I wouldn't exactly call it a "one night stand" either.

 #115160  by Tessian
 Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:51 am
Ishamael wrote:
Tessian wrote:
Ishamael wrote: Not me.
It's hard to be heartbroken when your relationships are restricted to gay anonymous one night stands ;)
Being gangraped in a basement by you, Lox and Zeus might be gay, but it sure as hell ain't anonymous and I wouldn't exactly call it a "one night stand" either.
Hey! FIRST of all you KNOW I'm just the cameraman and I don't participate so that does NOT make me part of the gangrape!

Second, you promised not to tell anyone! Fuck you Ish-- find yourself a new cinematographer.

 #115288  by Tessian
 Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:22 pm
Just thought I'd put a positive spin on things here-- I officially have my first date since my breakup this weekend. She's someone I've been talking to for over a week now online and things have been going fantastic. I'm pretty excited, I haven't been on one in almost exactly a year, heh.

 #115430  by Blotus
 Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:45 pm
Tessian wrote:Just thought I'd put a positive spin on things here-- I officially have my first date since my breakup this weekend. She's someone I've been talking to for over a week now online and things have been going fantastic. I'm pretty excited, I haven't been on one in almost exactly a year, heh.
Good luck, Ace.