lol..hopefully we get a sweet laid back spawn of me.. lol
We haven't done much in the way of "making room for baby". It's still quite early, and with all the problems we had earlier on, I just wanted to wait till much later before I do anything. We have been using our 2nd bedroom as a storage room/spare bedroom, so we have to clear everything in there out. But, we don't have much room to put what was in there somewhere else. We have a big house, we just have a lot of junk hehe. Since I am on very restricted lifting, he has to do most of it himself, so we're just taking our time for now.
If the baby turns out to definitely being a girl, I may change my username. I've always used Seraphina because I love the name...but I also always told myself that's what I'll name my first girl. But now, it's a little weird, because I use it so much online! I want to still use Seraphina as her name, and Sine suggested we just use Sera, but with a last name of Byrd, it's a bit short. So that's still up for debate..
Being married to a programmer is like having a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure if it hears you, much less comprehends what you say.