The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Kup, you want Chrono Trigger for $30?

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
 #114030  by Zeus
 Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:05 pm
I can pick it up on Saturday. We'll work out the exchange details over email, check out my profile.

Or you can message me on AIM. You're always on yet never respond..... :-)

 #114129  by Zeus
 Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:33 pm
Anyone seen Kup? I haven't heard back from him.

 #114133  by Blotus
 Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:59 pm
That's a ridiculous deal. Screw Kup, gimme.

 #114136  by Zeus
 Wed Dec 05, 2007 6:05 pm
Black Lotus wrote:That's a ridiculous deal. Screw Kup, gimme.
Well, I'll pick it up (hopefully the guy doesn't back out; this is a private sale from a guy who works at a games store). I offered Kup first, so I have to honour that. If not, you can have it.

 #114298  by Zeus
 Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:24 pm
Kup got a hold of me on Trillian finally. Lotus, did you want me to look around for another one for you? Similar thing, max $40 for cart only, upwards of $60 or so for a complete one?

 #114304  by Blotus
 Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:40 pm
I would be much obliged. I have a friend who's willing to sell me his copy, but he has no idea where it is and I've been waiting six months or more for him to find the fucking thing.

I have some crappy NES/SNES games that I'll never touch again I could send you as a bonus. I don't know if you collect everything or just the good stuff.

 #114315  by Zeus
 Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:34 am
Black Lotus wrote:I would be much obliged. I have a friend who's willing to sell me his copy, but he has no idea where it is and I've been waiting six months or more for him to find the fucking thing.

I have some crappy NES/SNES games that I'll never touch again I could send you as a bonus. I don't know if you collect everything or just the good stuff.
Don't worry about the bonus stuff. I'll just recoup whatever I pay for it like I do with everyone.

I just collect the good stuff. For the NES, the only things I'm looking for actively are RC Pro Am 2 and Bubble Bobble Part 2 (NOT Rainbow Islands).

 #114320  by Ishamael
 Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:01 am
He's going to ask you to lick his penis for the game, Kup. I'm just warning you...

 #114322  by Zeus
 Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:22 am
Ishamael wrote:He's going to ask you to lick his penis for the game, Kup. I'm just warning you...
Seriously, Ish, keep your fantasies to yourself......and maybe Lotus :-)

 #114327  by Zeus
 Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:33 pm
Zeus wrote:
Black Lotus wrote:I would be much obliged. I have a friend who's willing to sell me his copy, but he has no idea where it is and I've been waiting six months or more for him to find the fucking thing.

I have some crappy NES/SNES games that I'll never touch again I could send you as a bonus. I don't know if you collect everything or just the good stuff.
Don't worry about the bonus stuff. I'll just recoup whatever I pay for it like I do with everyone.

I just collect the good stuff. For the NES, the only things I'm looking for actively are RC Pro Am 2 and Bubble Bobble Part 2 (NOT Rainbow Islands).
Lotus, you lucky fuck. I have been offered another CT for $30 from another employee at that store. I'll get it next Saturday. I can't believe I actually got two of them in a week. I usually don't see two of them in a year. Merry Christmas......

Already checked the shipping, it's about $9 after GST for shipping for air or about $6.50 for ground. It's actually more expensive than the shipping I"m gonna send to Kup. Stupid Canada Post raping the customers in Canada. But it's like everything else in the government up here I guess...

You want me to get it for you?

 #114348  by Kupek
 Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:18 pm
I'm offline for a few hours out of the day, and it's like I'm lost at sea!

Admit it. You all talk behind my back as soon as I leave the room.

 #114355  by Zeus
 Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:22 am
Kupek wrote:I'm offline for a few hours out of the day, and it's like I'm lost at sea!

Admit it. You all talk behind my back as soon as I leave the room.
Try a couple of days, man. Look at the times of the posts above...

 #114356  by Andrew, Killer Bee
 Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:41 am
Just for that smart-aleck remark, I think you should send Kupek's copy of Chrono Trigger to somebody more worthy. Like me, for instance.

 #114357  by Kupek
 Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:41 am
I thought I got back to you a few hours after you IMed me. I'm almost always on IM.

EDIT: I did! I IMed you the night of the 4th.

Oh, I'm deserving, Andrew. Keep in mind this is only the second videogame I've bought this year.

 #114361  by Ishamael
 Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:48 am
Kupek wrote: Admit it. You all talk behind my back as soon as I leave the room.
Well to be honest, it's mostly Black Lotus sharing masturbatory fantasies about you. We just kind of look at each other uncomfortably, though Kali often takes notes.

 #114362  by Andrew, Killer Bee
 Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:36 am
I love you, Ishamael. Don't ever change.

 #114368  by Blotus
 Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:33 am
Ishamael wrote:
Kupek wrote: Admit it. You all talk behind my back as soon as I leave the room.
Well to be honest, it's mostly Black Lotus sharing masturbatory fantasies about you. We just kind of look at each other uncomfortably, though Kali often takes notes.
Moogle fetish... I WAS BORN THIS WAY!

Yes, Zeus, please get! We'll work out details through email or Messenger. Drop me a message about your preferred payment method.

 #114374  by Zeus
 Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:19 pm
Black Lotus wrote:
Ishamael wrote:
Kupek wrote: Admit it. You all talk behind my back as soon as I leave the room.
Well to be honest, it's mostly Black Lotus sharing masturbatory fantasies about you. We just kind of look at each other uncomfortably, though Kali often takes notes.
Moogle fetish... I WAS BORN THIS WAY!

Yes, Zeus, please get! We'll work out details through email or Messenger. Drop me a message about your preferred payment method.
I'll let you know when I get it.

So, are a lot of you guys wanting to get a copy of CT for around that price if I can get them? I can always keep my eye out for them, they seem to pop around in this area a few times a year. I can offer the rest of you the same thing I have for Lotus and Kupek: you just pay me back the money I paid for it, no markup. Anyone interested?

Andrew, these would be US copies, would they play on whatever system (SNES or FC Twin or something) you have down there?

 #114376  by Zeus
 Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:37 pm
Kupek wrote:I thought I got back to you a few hours after you IMed me. I'm almost always on IM.

EDIT: I did! I IMed you the night of the 4th.

Oh, I'm deserving, Andrew. Keep in mind this is only the second videogame I've bought this year.
I meant you were missing from here....

I've IM'd you in the past on a couple of things and never heard back. I was actually quite surprised you replied.

 #114379  by Kupek
 Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:47 pm
Zeus wrote:I've IM'd you in the past on a couple of things and never heard back. I was actually quite surprised you replied.
Really? That's bizarre. I use IM every day.

 #114386  by Andrew, Killer Bee
 Mon Dec 10, 2007 6:20 pm
Zeus wrote:Andrew, these would be US copies, would they play on whatever system (SNES or FC Twin or something) you have down there?
Haha, I don't actually want it, I just wanted to rile up Kupek :).

Well, I would like it, but I would need to get a US SNES, and I wouldn't want that brick of a thing uglying up my house.

 #114387  by Kupek
 Mon Dec 10, 2007 6:32 pm
She may be ugly, but she's a tiger in bed.

 #114814  by Blotus
 Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:44 pm
Any word, Zoos?

 #115367  by Zeus
 Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:09 pm
Black Lotus wrote:Any word, Zoos?
Still workin' on the kid. He's a lazy fuck so much so that he can't work up the motivation to get it out of a box. But I'll get it for ya, just be patient.

 #115428  by Blotus
 Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:44 pm
But I want it NOW! *flails*

 #115434  by Zeus
 Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:48 pm
Black Lotus wrote:But I want it NOW! *flails*
I'm married, I'm immune to immature tantrums *waits for Seraph to kick his ass* :-)

 #115437  by Blotus
 Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:53 pm
Yeah, but you don't have a baby yet. You just wait...

 #115443  by Shellie
 Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:14 pm
Zeus wrote:
I'm married, I'm immune to immature tantrums *waits for Seraph to kick his ass* :-)
Pfft! I don't tantrum, or go on psychotic rampages! Even pregnant, I think I control my "hormonal temper" pretty well :P I think Sine would agree...I'm pretty laid back and easy going.

 #115491  by KluYa
 Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:30 pm
There's a used CT sitting at the games store my friend works at here for I think $50.00. It's been there awhile, along with stuff like FF2, FF3, and until a few days ago Super Metroid (which must've been sitting there about 6 months).

 #115560  by Zeus
 Sun Jan 06, 2008 11:48 am
KluYa wrote:There's a used CT sitting at the games store my friend works at here for I think $50.00. It's been there awhile, along with stuff like FF2, FF3, and until a few days ago Super Metroid (which must've been sitting there about 6 months).
If it's complete, then $50 is a good price. Otherwise it's gouging.

There's a lot of game stores that think they can charge Ebay prices. They really can't. So they have this game sitting there for months at a time 'cause they wanna get that extra $10 or $20 (the one I'm trying to get for Lotus is going to be $30, which is reasonable and below Ebay). It's stupid from a business sense considering they live and die on turnover. Take $20 less, buy other stuff with it. Make you're extra $5 there (say it's a new game). Turn that over, say, 3 times a month and instead of having the $50 game sitting there for an extra 6 months you've now made $70 ($5 x 3 times per month x 6 months less the original $20 you gave up).

 #115565  by Tessian
 Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:38 pm
Zeus wrote:
KluYa wrote:There's a used CT sitting at the games store my friend works at here for I think $50.00. It's been there awhile, along with stuff like FF2, FF3, and until a few days ago Super Metroid (which must've been sitting there about 6 months).
If it's complete, then $50 is a good price. Otherwise it's gouging.

There's a lot of game stores that think they can charge Ebay prices. They really can't. So they have this game sitting there for months at a time 'cause they wanna get that extra $10 or $20 (the one I'm trying to get for Lotus is going to be $30, which is reasonable and below Ebay). It's stupid from a business sense considering they live and die on turnover. Take $20 less, buy other stuff with it. Make you're extra $5 there (say it's a new game). Turn that over, say, 3 times a month and instead of having the $50 game sitting there for an extra 6 months you've now made $70 ($5 x 3 times per month x 6 months less the original $20 you gave up).
Zeus how DARE you insinuate that stores like EB and Gamestop have a poor business model that needs improving! They are PERFECT the way they are! Buy a used game for $20, sell it for $40! And FUCK ANYONE who has the AUDACITY to try to buy a game on the release date WITHOUT A PRE-ORDER!

Can you tell I buy online only now? :P

 #115603  by KluYa
 Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:22 pm
Zeus wrote:
KluYa wrote:There's a used CT sitting at the games store my friend works at here for I think $50.00. It's been there awhile, along with stuff like FF2, FF3, and until a few days ago Super Metroid (which must've been sitting there about 6 months).
If it's complete, then $50 is a good price. Otherwise it's gouging.

There's a lot of game stores that think they can charge Ebay prices. They really can't. So they have this game sitting there for months at a time 'cause they wanna get that extra $10 or $20 (the one I'm trying to get for Lotus is going to be $30, which is reasonable and below Ebay). It's stupid from a business sense considering they live and die on turnover. Take $20 less, buy other stuff with it. Make you're extra $5 there (say it's a new game). Turn that over, say, 3 times a month and instead of having the $50 game sitting there for an extra 6 months you've now made $70 ($5 x 3 times per month x 6 months less the original $20 you gave up).
It's cart only. I can assure you it's nigh impossible to find any kind of bargain or deal at this place, and the owner is not one to barter. 'Twould probably explain why this stuff sits around so long. I would've bought up Super Metroid as well as a lot of their NES collection long ago if not for pricing.

 #115651  by Zeus
 Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:49 pm
Tessian wrote:Can you tell I buy online only now? :P

Hell, my bud who manages that EB and I always make fun of their busines model.

I don't think I've purchased anything there full price other than Portait of Ruin and Drac X Chronicles (to reward Konami for release such a kick ass pre-order bonus and compilation, respectively) in 3 or 4 years. I've bought tons but I always make sure it's at half price. Otherwise, the majority of my buying is used and is at our local smaller store.

 #115656  by Blotus
 Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:10 pm
That PSP is getting mighty tempting with FFT and Drac X. Not to mention the multimedia possibilities and hacking it for emulation.

 #115660  by Zeus
 Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:07 pm
Black Lotus wrote:That PSP is getting mighty tempting with FFT and Drac X. Not to mention the multimedia possibilities and hacking it for emulation.
It's a bulky mp3 player and a barely usable size for movies, but the fact it does both and there's a good dozen games for it makes it worth it now at $170 Cdn (although I prefer the old one over the slim myself). But you NEED at least a 2GB stick for it. I got a 4GB one from Ebay for $39 US ($40 Cdn) after shipping so make sure you go there for those. They're about 2/3rds the price. Current sale at Futureshop is $60 for a Sandisk one; I got a Sony one from Hong Kong for $40.

 #115662  by Eric
 Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:10 pm
Black Lotus wrote:That PSP is getting mighty tempting with FFT and Drac X. Not to mention the multimedia possibilities and hacking it for emulation.
Crisis Core in March too I think.

Jeanne D'Arc is also a really great game.

 #115667  by bovine
 Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:07 pm
new Wipeout Pulse comes out next month, I'm pretty stoked about that one. My stack of PSP games pales in comparison to my DS library, but there are some quality titles in there.

 #115683  by Zeus
 Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:01 pm
bovine wrote:new Wipeout Pulse comes out next month, I'm pretty stoked about that one. My stack of PSP games pales in comparison to my DS library, but there are some quality titles in there.
You need to have a healthy Capcom (G&G, MegaMan) and Konami (Silent Hill Origins, Drac X Chronicles) in your PSP collection. Capcom has released the best overall for it IMO.