The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Coming Soon!

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
 #116295  by Chris
 Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:06 pm
The nerdiest podcast of all time will bhe coming to you soon. Straight out of the pacific Northwest join your hosts the Batchit insane Chris Hansbrough and His jock counterpart Ryan Williams as they discuss news, reviews, and previews in a roundtable with special guests galore. Tackling the world of Comics, Movies, Games, Hardware, programming and touching on everything a nerd would care about. join us weekly for fun, hilarity, and douchebaggery Recorded live from a location TBD at a time TBD.

yeah a buddy of mine and I decided to start a podcast/ we're totally gonna kick ass. it's gonne be mostly roundtable format with some call ins from flks who want to join in the cracked out fun. It's gonna be the best podcast about nothing in particular. no real show notes just a list of topics to hit and freewheeling fun from start to finish.

so yeah. I honestly want you guys to participate too. I know I would love to get Fea and andrew on the line to add some Aussie crass to the gaming talk....(or comic too in Andrews case) Sine can come on to talk about code and to be an inane jackass. Zeus to share his shit taste in movies. Tess and bovie to speak f te haloz....lotus as well....not to mention class the joine up and get Lox to come on to talk the comics...Get Don Wang to go on an excessively long rant about why fate stay night literally blows you while you play it.....

 #116300  by Zeus
 Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:26 pm
Anytime, I can be the guy no one agrees with but can't stop listening to just to see what he says next....kinda like here :-)

But I do wanna do game reviews as well and talk about games in general

 #116301  by Chris
 Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:28 pm
Zeus wrote:Anytime, I can be the guy no one agrees with but can't stop listening to just to see what he says next....kinda like here :-)

But I do wanna do game reviews as well and talk about games in general
it is roundtable format so when we record in broadband locations we'll get you on the skype line. along with as many of ya'll as possible

 #116302  by Tessian
 Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:33 pm
So is this why you've been missing from Live? I've crushed you in COD4 ranks!

Sounds interesting-- if you ever need a perspective of a security analyst or a random geek let me know ;)

 #116303  by Chris
 Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:35 pm
Tessian wrote:So is this why you've been missing from Live? I've crushed you in COD4 ranks!

Sounds interesting-- if you ever need a perspective of a security analyst or a random geek let me know ;)
course I do buddy. as I said. I've been a part of this place for what.....10 fuckin years now (speaking of which...someone shoud roll my old account into this one as my postcount is way too low.....hell maybe I can convince sine to put the forum for it here....attract some new people to fuck with.

 #116321  by Lox
 Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:56 am
Haha...sounds awesome.

Count me in for some comic book geekiness though I garauntee no amount of classiness. haha I can probably also fill in some of the programmer geekiness on occassion if needs be since that's my occupation.

I can also pull a Britney Spears and talk in a really bad fake British accent though it might just sound more like I'm on something. haha

 #116327  by Chris
 Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:10 am
Lox wrote:Haha...sounds awesome.

Count me in for some comic book geekiness though I garauntee no amount of classiness. haha I can probably also fill in some of the programmer geekiness on occassion if needs be since that's my occupation.

I can also pull a Britney Spears and talk in a really bad fake British accent though it might just sound more like I'm on something. haha
it's all right. I do sean connery constantly nwdays....

 #116342  by Blotus
 Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:03 pm
I specialize in Alf-branded Pogs.

 #116345  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:27 pm
My principal interests are rape, ultraviolence, and Nintendo.

 #116347  by Blotus
 Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:30 pm
Dutch wrote:My principal interests are rape, ultraviolence, and Nintendo.
LOL... knew about the first two, but when did you start liking Nintendo?

 #116351  by Fea
 Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:39 pm
Sounds great Chris! This should be hilarious. :)

 #116365  by Eric
 Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:32 pm
Black Lotus wrote:
Dutch wrote:My principal interests are rape, ultraviolence, and Nintendo.
LOL... knew about the first two, but when did you start liking Nintendo?
Came outta right field for me too.

 #116369  by Lox
 Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:44 am
Black Lotus wrote:I specialize in Alf-branded Pogs.
He is back you know.

 #116372  by SineSwiper
 Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:43 am
What time did you want to do it? I can join in if it's a weekend or something.

 #116424  by Chris
 Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:51 am
Ok due to having trouble coming up with a logo here is a contest.....Can someone please come up with a good logo for us Northwest Nerdstock.....

we also need something for Darkside Consulting but at this point we just need a logo and are brainfarting on how to make it look..