Dutch wrote:Zeus wrote:Dutch wrote:Access to the Rogers network costs $6.95, they are not obligated to give it to you for free. Calling plans cost additional money, again, they are not obligated to give you the service for free.
Again, read my post as to why this "access fee" is bullshit. You're just spewing a PR line right now
I'll be paying them a monthly fee to use the phone so I ain't getting nothing for free. There is no reason for this additional fee other than to molest the consumer because they know they can
Huh? It's a base service fee, I am not sure what is so hard to understand, it is not like this is a new concept. How about that electric company Zeus?
You think I haven't tried to get around the bullshit "Regulatory" or "Debt Retirement" charges that the hydro company is throwing my way? Yeah, I've never complained about that........because, you know, it's my fault the old Ontario Hydro was run by a bunch of lazy-ass, know-nothing, pension-collecting motherless fucks. But it's not like I can live without electricity, it's a necessity nowadays. So I take it but I sure as fuck don't like it. Same with my home phone and Internet bullshit charges.
Regardless of who does it, it's bullshit. Doesn't absolve Rogers, Bell, or Telus of their collusion just because other companies are doing the same bullshit. And make no mistake about it, it's pure collusion. And just because you're forced to pay it, it don't mean that you should sit there, take it up the ass, and say nothing about it. If you do, you're just a bitch and nothing more. I ain't no bitch but it appears that you're OK with being one.
Incidentally, that's exactly how we got ourselves into the political mess we're in, most people just accept things for how they are without complaining regardless of how much the government or corporations fuck us up the ass. But that's a different argument altogether.