Dutch wrote:You are using the Urban dictionary -of all sources; which, I will tell you right now, is not a valid source by any singificant standard.- written by people on the Internet, citing other people on the Internet, to argue against a point which states that people on the Internet are incorrect on that particular point.
So, Seeker, a guy that loves to post on the Internet, is suddenly a "valid source" of information?
Actually, both definition of Darwinism fit, if she died that is. If somebody does something stupid and dies, or at the very least renders him/herself incapable of reproducing, those selection of genes combined in that order are lost, due to natural selection. Thus, stupid acts are punished by Darwinism.
Or to take your definition:
Anyway, Darwinism is the statistical analysis of an existing feature or trend (stupidity) in a population (human population) and how it will increase or decrease (dying) the liklihood that the organisms with this feature will reproduce (dead men don't reproduce) given certain environments (civilized countries).
Also, people have this misconception that just because it took billions of years for humans to become who they are, that we can't evolve in the short term. We can especially see it with cycles of mating patterns over the course of just a few generations.
Blacks could be more well-endowed (both men and women) because of slavery, which promoted white men to choose who lived and who died (slave markets) based on how they looked and if they were strong enough. On the other hand, the average penis size of the rich (small) versus the poor (big) could be explained with a fiercer natural selection process within the poorer communities. Japanese populations were isolated to themselves, which may have had an effect on their sexual organs (both male and female).
Sexual features aren't the only thing that could evolve from the short term, but it's the most noticeable because of the direct connection to reproducing, especially in civilized life. Others would include: redheads, that we commonly say have tempers, because it could be a common gene linkage.