Tessian wrote:SineSwiper wrote:
And give me some credit, I wrote the review several years ago.
Seriously guys, can't hold him accountable for a review from 6 years ago.... Sine didn't know everything there is to know until 2 years ago tops!
Still, a review section would be a bit pointless, since we usually just post reviews of what we've played/seen recently anyway. Formalizing it would maybe clear up clutter, but the Gamethoughts section sort of doesn't need any decluttering IMO.
Besides, the only game I've gotten recently is Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, which I've never actually played, due to my hatred for it. Now, though, having played it, I'm absolutely in love. To think this came out before God of War...it really set the foundation for just about every Western Action/Adventure title to come, and it just oozes originality and creativity from every pore.
I have nitpicks, but they're mostly technical--its an old game using a fairly unexplored gameplay mechanic (time manipulation) and while I wish it was easier to implement at times, you really only need the rewind button, so it balances out.
Biggest gripe so far is the hit or miss jumping system. I love that it automatically charts your course when you jump, so long as you are facing the right way and are generally on the right path, but there are times when the camera angle does NOT make for good jumping, and you'll go plunging to your death...8 feet down.
Sincerely, it takes practically NOTHING to kill the prince. He can get sworded, axed, clubbed and stabbed multiple times and live, but one little ten foot drop and he ragdolls like a bitch. I hated it in the demo and my vehemence has only lessened slightly in the subsequent years. The only reason I don't really mark it against the game too much is that its obviously a purposeful choice--some of the more memorable puzzles involve you climbing DOWN as opposed to up, which strikes me as so delightfully quirky that I allow the falling deaths.
I mean, think about it--how often have you ever really had to solve a puzzle in order to reach the BOTTOM of a room? It doesn't really happen that much. Also, the atmosphere and story and voice acting are all really charming. I'm sort of afraid to play Two Thrones, because I know the prince gets changed...and I really like him at the moment.