Seraphina wrote:Zeus wrote:
I told my son that you called him a "cutie" but I don't think he liked it very much. He considers himself a "man" after all. I took a picture of his reaction just for you :-)
LOL!!! I LOVE it!! I'm gonna need to take a bite out of his cheeks! Very handsome little guy
lol, thanks. As my wife says, he's "scrumptous". He's got a great, easy-going personality and his sister, who was rather bitchy early on, is starting to get to that as well. They're quite happy and easy babies and are always smiling and reacting a lot to when you interact with them now. They're even starting to make different sounds when responding and are starting to sleep well, up to 6+ hours a time. I can't really complain about these kids.
Believe it or not, that pic was taken when he was only 7 weeks old. Even then, he was holding his head up pretty well, for minutes at a time. Now he sits up very well and even stands for minutes at a time. He just turned 14 weeks old so that's well ahead of "normal". He just has no torso control yet it's more of a muscle-tightening reaction :-). I have another one with that hat that isn't on my Flickr account where his eyes are even more closed and he looks PISSED. It's hilarious. That hat purchase of $8 was well worth it for all the fun we've had with these pictures alone.