While his appreciation for his fans IS a saving grace for him, Lucas himself has taken ELABORATE and GREAT pains to try and ruin all good cred we could give to him.
Simply put, when I was a kid, George Lucas was a god amongst men who created Star Wars as a gift from heaven unto us unwavering mortals. Now? He's an unoriginal hack who had a few great ideas when he was young (and on drugs) and has done nothing since but recycle them and, somehow, make them WORSE.
I won't say that a lot of the hatedom is not unfounded, because it is on many points, but George Lucas has FAILED. He has failed multiple, multiple times, consistently, constantly, and thoroughly, in so many endeavors that you can say, with decent accuracy, that in the past twenty years, he has done NOTHING but fail--and yet make money off it.
If you really want me to bring in the low blows, need I remind everyone here about the horror that was Harold the Duck?