The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Really Google? Another OS update???

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
 #156900  by Flip
 Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:26 pm ... mazon.html

I'm happy about the new tablet, i think it looks pretty cool, but it will be running Jelly Bean.. an advance from ICS. I read someplace else (it doesnt seem to be mentioned in this article) that come later this year JB will be on phones. It seems to me that ICS is just now being rolled out on phones and I was excited about the latest Galaxy. Maybe its worth it to wait, yet again, for a Nexus JB phone, but at that point im sure something else will be rolling out!...
 #156905  by Zeus
 Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:51 am
Here's a crazy idea: why not just be happy with your fully-functional phone that does more than what you need for a few years rather than upgrading to the newest thing? I probably wouldn't even bother downloading a free update to the OS unless I was forced to or shown serious improvements
 #156906  by Flip
 Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:02 am
Theres really no choice but to just try to be happy, ICS came out in October and its already old news? Its flat out ridiculous, so i'm throwing my hands up and trying to not care.

I'm actually two seconds away from ditching Verizon and going with a prepay plan from Virgin Mobile. They use Sprints network, but are only like $35 a month (after you buy the phone). As tired as i am of Google upgrading their OS every 6 months, i'm equally tired of $100 phone bills a month. I could buy a perfectly workable Gingerbread phone from Virgin for $150 then pay $35 a month for as long as i want with no contract. This seems like a no brainer when compared to staying on Verizons $100 a month plan just to have access to the latest phones, which no longer are the latest in 2 months.
 #156907  by Flip
 Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:55 am
Virgin just started offering the iPhone, which is getting much hullabaloo, and this: ... -phone.jsp

Their plans are this: ... -plans.jsp

All i need is the 300 minute one and while the HTC One isnt the flagship of the company, its a great budget Ice Cream Sandwhich option. Since my contract with Verizon is just about done i'm pulling the trigger. Its not 4G, its not quad core, blah blah blah, but i'll save $65 a month with a phone good enough for what i do without a contract (which isnt much when i really think about it). Done.

We talk about phones and cell plans more than games nowadays!
 #156910  by Zeus
 Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:20 am
Sorry, man, you're talking to a Canadian. You're not allowed to complain about high cellphone costs to us. We can only dream of the kind of options and prices you have down there.

But yeah, the speed at which these smartphones and their related OSs are evolving is nuts. Thankfully for me, our oligopoly charges so damned much for data that I have zero desire to get it which means I don't need all these fancy schmancy phones with the updated apps since I don't have data. My new Curve is an excellent communication device and more than I need, particularly someone like me who only uses his cell for a total of 8 hours a week at most and often goes days without turning it on.

I'm always tossin' shit up in Gamethought. Just most people now spend more time with other multimedia stuff until the big releases come out. Been actually surprised that Diablo 3 hasn't taken up a lot more real estate over there.
 #156911  by bovine
 Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:41 am
AHA! Android fragmentation rears its ugly head. Unless you have the a Nexus phone, you will have no idea if the update will ever hit your phone. It is based on carriers and the phone manufacturer and that is just silly. It is not really in the interest of either to support your phone any longer if it isn't the newest and best thing they are trying to push (because they want you either on a contract or trying to get a new phone).

iOS has the problem of older phones getting feature stripped versions of the updates, but at least they get the darned updates.
 #156914  by Flip
 Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:22 pm
bovine wrote:AHA! Android fragmentation rears its ugly head.
Yes, i realize this was one of the reasons why you went over to iOS and i thought about doing the same. However, i really am sold on the prepay plan idea and the iPhone on a prepay is like $650 which is too much cost to recover before the prepay actually starts making financial sense. I'm going to be so happy to not stroke $105-110 (based on whatever fee they decide to throw at me) digital checks to Verizon each month.

Also, I've done some soul searching and realized i'm not a power user, in any sense, of my PC, phone, or digital devices. A middle of the road piece of electronic equipment is what i should always be looking for. I want things to be fairly up to date, look good, and simply not be a piece of shit. The more reviews of the HTC One V i read the more i am convincing myself that it fits all the categories (and its $35 a month plan that i can stop anytime i want to). The data says it is unlimited in the $35 plan, but in reality Virgin will slow you down after you exceed 2.5GB for the month, which i dont think i get close to with my current usage of occasional music or talk radio streaming, brief internet browsing, and baseball score lookups/fantasy baseball app.
Last edited by Flip on Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 #156922  by Anarky
 Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:48 pm
That Virgin offer is pretty tempting honestly. I'm currently with Sprint and my contract was completed a little over 6 months ago. I still haven't upgraded and I kind of feel you with he whole 'power user' thing, well at least when it comes to my cellphone and how stupid I feel the bill is.
 #156925  by Lox
 Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:09 pm
I have a few friends with Virgin and they like it, but the coverage kind of sucks. That's why it's so cheap though so you have to weigh your options.

I hear you about being fed up with Verizon. I upgraded my wife's phone today and it may be the last time I ever do that as a Verizon customer. Their new family data sharing is ridiculous and it's so expensive.
 #156926  by Flip
 Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:19 pm
I think SPrint works well in the DC area, or at least it did when i had Sprint 4 or 5 years ago, so VM should theoretically work just fine. I dont travel much, but even still, Sprint is a major carrier, it should work. Maybe VM gets shafted by their deal with Sprint and Sprint customers get priority or something.

I cringe every time i sign/agree to a friggin 2 year contract with the mobile services or something like DirecTV.
 #156929  by Lox
 Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:54 pm
Virgin works well in Baltimore so I imagine it works well in DC. My friend had major issues when he was visiting his parents who live outside of Chicago and my friend's wife had trouble around Lancaster.