The really scary thing about this whole thing is how ignorant that people actually believe there might be a way to come up with any evidence that Lance Armstrong tested positive. The French viewed Armstrong as the person who ruined the Tour de France and went through considerable effort to try to bust him but was never successful. If a nation failed to do so, there's no way an Internet warrior can do it. It's not like say the Steroid Era guys where they simply didn't test some people (or test enough) so you got guys who got away with it once and then just retired before he can be tested again. He was constantly watched by people trying to take him down and was never caught, so either he was just that good or that his drugs were just lightyears ahead of what everyone else had (they keep the blood sample to test for future when better tests come out) and either way you're not going to get any evidence. If Armstrong had his own secret uber drug he's clearly smart enough to keep it only for himself (otherwise they wouldn't be able to get plea bargains for testimonies against him, because those guys would never get caught if they had access to the same stuff Lance allegedly had) so I really don't see how these alleged testimonies would even matter. I mean the most you can say is like: "I asked Lance for his undetectable drug, but he wouldn't give me any (which is why I got caught)." And you can replace Lance with any athlete that's ever lived and it'd work okay because you can never prove that soandso didn't dope with some kind of undetectable drug because it's undetectable. I mean I can say that I saw LeBron James took some steroids and then used some state of the art stuff to hide the results before his test, and you can't prove this never happened either.
This whole thing is reminding me of Kindaichi. If you think someone is guilty and you think it is possible that he can do it, then that guy is guilty and you don't even need evidence let alone due process. It's literally a repeat of the one episode where the DNA shows A did it but Kindaichi is convinced that it was B who was A's long lost identical twin and because it is clearly POSSIBLE for B to be A's long lost identical twin that means we totally ignore what would be considered nearly irrefutable evidence and arrest B instead. Of course in the world of manga Kindaichi's never wrong, but that'd really suck if people determined crime like that in real life.
This whole thing is reminding me of Kindaichi. If you think someone is guilty and you think it is possible that he can do it, then that guy is guilty and you don't even need evidence let alone due process. It's literally a repeat of the one episode where the DNA shows A did it but Kindaichi is convinced that it was B who was A's long lost identical twin and because it is clearly POSSIBLE for B to be A's long lost identical twin that means we totally ignore what would be considered nearly irrefutable evidence and arrest B instead. Of course in the world of manga Kindaichi's never wrong, but that'd really suck if people determined crime like that in real life.