The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Is it just me or has it been a full moon all week?

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
 #86317  by Imakeholesinu
 Fri May 06, 2005 11:36 am
Seriously, some crazy shit has been going down in Cape Girardeau lately and really weird shit happening to people I know. Anyone else think there is something fucked up with the world (non-political sense) right now or is it just me?

If you want me to define this, I'll have to start by getting random phone calls from people I barely knew, and some I do know who are usually drunk. My friend Will just broke up with his girlfriend of a year and is already hanging out with this new girl from my old work, which is cool and all because she's really cool so good for him. Then I find out another friend of mine from work tried to kill himself possibly, but this has yet to be confirmed. Last nigth there was this creepy guy lurking around Natsumi's apartment while we were making out in the backseat of my car, and he was there when she left for work this morning too and I have no idea what the hell he wanted. (cops called, hopefully taken care of) Then my friend Mary tells me today that she just broke up with her boyfriend of about 4 months because the asshole was cheating on her with his ex. The week before finals and the world goes to fucking hell in a hand basket. WTF???? Anyone else notice a trend like this? I mean, spring is a time of change and rebirth and all but two of my friends breaking up with their significant others in one week and possibly another friend of mine trying to end his life is a bit fucking much right?

 #86318  by Julius Seeker
 Fri May 06, 2005 12:10 pm
Things always go nuts around finals. It's just a fact of life. That is also the time when most people decide to cheat on their lowsy good for nothing girlfriends, or break up with them. =P