Torgo wrote:I find it amusing that Square is running a demo of FFVII to show off the PS3, a console two generations from the Ultra 64, (which used FFVI as it's tech demo)
Oh, the memories...before Square split from Nintendo and started the Cataclysmic Collapse...the "Ultra 64", dear Lord.
Generally regarding this thread, there seemed to be agreement among my industry friends who came to E3 that the PS3's general presentation at E3 was really very, very heavy on smoke and mirrors and very light on actual hardware. Tycho at Penny Arcade corroborated this sentiment in his post yesterday, saying "I don't believe there is an actual piece of hardware called the PS3 at this time" or something to that effect. The feeling was somewhat that Sony had cobbled together the most insanely powerful computer they could and called it a PS3 for the sake of the show. I didn't see the demo personally myself so I don't really have a personal opinion on it. It's very possible that Sony will actually create a piece of hardware as powerful as what they had running at the show - if they don't, I have a feeling people are going to be REALLY pretty pissed off - but when thinking about the next-gens, this is something to consider.