MCI/WorldCom was once more powerful than AT&T. Now, it's a shadow of an existence, thanks almost entirely to this man. $11 billion? You can't understate how much that really is, even in corporate terms.
There was a good article that show the status of some of the other corporate fraudsters:
L. Dennis Kozlowski: He was convicted June 17 on fraud, conspiracy and grand larceny charges for actions while he headed Tyco International Ltd. Sentencing is tentatively set for Aug. 2; he faces up to 30 years in prison.
Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling: Both former Enron Corp. CEOs are to go on trial in January on conspiracy, bank fraud and securities fraud charges.
John Rigas: He was convicted in 2004 of conspiracy, bank fraud and securities fraud while at Adelphia Communications Corp., and sentenced June 20 to 15 years in prison.
Richard Scrushy: He was acquitted June 28 of all charges related to a $2.7 billion earnings overstatement at HealthSouth Corp.
Martha Stewart: She was convicted in 2004 of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and making false statements about her sale of ImClone Systems Inc. stock. She was released March 4 after five months in prison and is serving five months of confinement in her home. Though no longer CEO, she has resumed working at her own company, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia.