Agent 57 wrote:I never owned it, but I did borrow Cobra Triangle from a friend of mine when I was a kid. I can't remember if I ever beat it - all I can remember about it is how hard it was to aim, and dying about a hundred times on this one stage where the current is carrying you downriver and you have to keep using ramps to jump over pits (but of course you can't see the ramp you have to hit until about a half-second before you need to hit it).
It was one of the earliest NES titles I think. One of the ones that anyone only played because it was one of the few titles they actually owned. Super Mario Brothers was of course my favourite NES title originally, next it became Captain Skyhawk or Castlevania, I liked them both equally. Then Faxanadu and Castlevania III became my favourites, and remain so to this day.