Nev wrote:Sex? With girls?
That's one cultural pheneomenon you really need to get in on. Should be pretty easy since you live in LA and all.
Oh wait, perhaps you're play on Black Lotus's side of the field? I'm sure he could provide a few suggestions.
Agent 57 wrote:American Idol, 24, CSI, Survivor/Big Brother/Real World/Bachelor(ette), Pokemon/Naruto, and WoW/MMOs in general.
24 is definitely worth it. I recommend that to everyone. CSI is crap. The others, it depends on how big of a junkie of the various genres you are. If I knew you were a fellow junkie, I'd definitely give them the thumbs up.
Zeus wrote:iPoDs and cellphones (Blackberries included), although it's more of a choice than anything
Well, I've got a cellphone, but I try not to use it too much. iPods (I've got a zen Micro actually) are cool for work at times, especially if youwork someplace noisy. I'm not on the Blackberry bandwagon quite yet, though I want to be.
Flip wrote:Tamaguchi
There's another biggie for me too.