So I haven't been posting (or reading) regularly for the past month or so because I just moved and transferred schools. I was in Williamsburg, VA going to William & Mary. Sometime in March, my advisor dropped the bomb that he had accepted a position at Virginia Tech, and that we could go with him.
This was a mind fuck for me, because I did my undergrad at VA Tech, and I thought I would never live in Blacksburg ever again. Ever. Again. But here I was about to go back.
So, here I am, still a PhD student, just in a better program, at the place I left three years ago.
This was a mind fuck for me, because I did my undergrad at VA Tech, and I thought I would never live in Blacksburg ever again. Ever. Again. But here I was about to go back.
So, here I am, still a PhD student, just in a better program, at the place I left three years ago.