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PostPosted:Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:23 pm
by Andrew, Killer Bee
Just outta curiousity, and because I'm bored out of my fuckin' mind at work right now: what do you guys (and gal) do for a living? What do you want to do, if you're not doing it right now?

I do tech support for a company that runs a bunch of online casinos and poker rooms. Pretty inglorious, but it's a decent living and it affords so much time to waste on places like the Shrine :). I've been with my company for a couple of years; started as a pleb and I'm now senior supe, and manage the desk when my manager is away. I'm not sure how much longer I'll have the job, given the recently passed online gaming laws - about half of our revenue comes from the US.

I studied comp sci at uni but have come to realise I don't really want to perform the role I was trained for in the industry, and don't have the temperament for academia.

I have no idea what I want to do with my career, but right now I'm pretty happy just earning a wage. Even if what I'm doing isn't what I really want to be doing, the people I work with are awesome, it's nice to be good at something and recognised for it even if you're not particularly passionate about it, and the pay is okay.


PostPosted:Sun Oct 08, 2006 3:46 am
by Torgo
I've been working in the stockroom at the local Macy's for about a year and a half. It's boring and unfullfilling, and it doesn't pay much (around $5.70 after taxes) but they're very flexible with scheduling, which is great for me since I'm still taking classes. It's also one of the more laid back departments. We're pretty much left on our own and have little supervision, as opposed to the sales floor. We also get to blast the radio to the station/CD of our choice. As you can probably guess, that part's only good when you're working alone. Oh yeah, and we get to wear jeans.

That said, I'm thinking of transferring to one of the sales positions when there's an opening. I'm not good with people or anything(one of the reasons I chose to work in the back), but I figure it'll look a bit better on my resume if it shows that I have had at least some experience in dealing with customers. I plan on splitting somewhere around the two year mark and I might as well get it done here since it should be easier to transfer departments rather than go through the whole application process at some new place.

PostPosted:Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:49 am
by Julius Seeker
Bartender at the largest club in Atlantic Canada (There is one in Halifax that is larger, but it doesn't count because technically it is five clubs). I also rent cottages during the summer, and do maintenance on them during the winter, which we will be starting soon. Other than that, I go to school. I did work Internet tech support myself a while back, worst job ever!

PostPosted:Sun Oct 08, 2006 1:41 pm
by Lox
I work for UPS (United Parcel Service) in one of their IS buildings. I am technically in a QA (Quality Assurance) group but my title is Programmer. My job is to test various computer applications that are created by the team I work in to make sure that they do their job and don't break programs that already exist. The division I work in is responsible for many of the applications used in the package centers (where the UPS drivers work out of). For instance if you ever have a package delivered by UPS and sign the handheld device they carry, the group I work with designed and developed the whole thing. It's one of many apps we are responsible for, but it's probably the most visible.

I don't want to work in QA forever which is why I have a programmer title. My job basically involves writing test plans and running them. Sometimes they're manual (do this, then this, etc). I automate them as much as possible and program test tools to make my job easier. My goal is to be doing applications development within the next 2-3 years. UPS is a great company to work for. My pay is great. My benefits are nice. I have job security too, which is awesome. I can't complain. :)

PostPosted:Sun Oct 08, 2006 2:25 pm
by Tessian
I recently graduated from PSU with a bachelors in IST. I am now working as a Information Security Administrator in a large corporation (ICT Group, we manage call centers for other companies around the world...and no, we do not have centers in India)

I love my job, it's about as good as it's gonna get in terms of a job I enjoy...great boss, interesting and different projects...oh, and lots of power :P I am the Supreme Overlord of the Internet...I recently busted up a ring of Techs who were installing Opera on their desktops and then configuring proxies on them to get around my filtering :P

PostPosted:Sun Oct 08, 2006 3:36 pm
by Shellie
I work for our local cable company...My current title is HSI Workforce Analyst. Basically I forecast call volume for the broadband tech support dept, and do scheduling of the employees, etc. It's pretty boring but tedious sometimes. I was a tech support lead before I got the analyst position..but I wasnt really "leading" anyone..I was creating resources and doing simple technical writing for the department.

Ive been working for the cable company in the broadband department in various positions for about 5 1/2 years now...I really like working there and the benefits are great! I pay about 30 dollars a month for phone, internet and all cable tv stations :)

Sine also works there, but in a diff building now. One of the great things about us both working for the same company is that we can come home...complain or tell a story about something or someone and we know what the other is talking about.

PostPosted:Sun Oct 08, 2006 3:37 pm
by Imakeholesinu
I'm an intern at a hospital for their IS deparment. Basically I'm an assistant network administrator.

PostPosted:Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:33 pm
by Zeus
I'm a recently designated Chartered Accountant (Canadian equivalent of a CPA). I just recently completed my work at a public accounting firm (ie. auditing), which you have to do in order to get your designation, and will be starting a new job on October 16th as a Financial Reporter (ie. preparing the numbers that the auditors audit) at Siemens Canada.

PostPosted:Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:51 pm
by Andrew, Killer Bee
Weren't you running a game store at one point in time, Zeus? What happened with that?

PostPosted:Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:01 pm
by Manshoon
I'm a programmer for an IT consulting firm, of which most of our work is projects for the State of Alaska (DOT, Fish & Game, etc.). Last Friday was my 2-year anniversary at the company. I enjoy what I do for the most part. The pay could be better, but then again I'm looking to leave within the next couple of months anyways. My manager says he wants me to stick around at least another year, but I really don't think I can stand to live in Juneau any longer than I have, not to mention I've told him well over a year ago I'd stick around for 2 years but not any longer than that.

PostPosted:Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:52 am
by Oracle
I'm a in a project/support role in the IT section of a government insurance company (SGI in my province, SGI Canada for the rest of the country).

I support applications that need a little more in-depth knowledge than someone in first or second level support would have of the products. Examples are the facilities management software that keeps track of inventory, preventative maintenance, work orders, etc. Another thing I look after is our imaging environment. All paper copies of transactions are scanned, endlessly trying to pursue a paperless environment.

I also participate in projects, such as replacing/upgrading above mentioned software, applying new technological approaches for client areas when their needs change, and even a little bit of web development (I just started that).

What I really like about my job is the variety. I always said I never wanted to be JUST a programmer, I never wanted to be JUST a support guy, I never wanted to JUST work with hardware. The job I'm in lets me do a little bit of it all, as well as get some administrative experience from the business side of things.

PostPosted:Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:37 am
by Anarky
I work as a student ITA on my college campus. We are Blackboard and Webct support, along with support for students and faculty who want help with Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, Dreamweaver, etc. It can be cool work, or damn frustrating...

I get paid pretty well and it cuts down on my commuting. I’m in my final year of Graphic Design (also working on a minor in marketing). I've come to find I'm quite disillusioned with my major, and don't see myself being a "Graphic Designer" I wish my school had a more focused motion graphics major, but oh well. Ill probably end up doing IT work because I'm good at it...

Or go for my Masters in marketing...

PostPosted:Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:26 am
by kali o.
I work semi-full time as a realtor/buyers agent in vancouver, when I'm not in school. When I am in school, I do either bartending, work for the Portland Hotel Society (drug addicts and the mentally ill) or maintenence work for a commercial complex (grounds keeping, lanscaping etc). I tend to prefer the latter because it is a whole lot less stressful and disruptive, if a lot less fulfilling,

As for school, since my dad died I slowly lost my focus and drive and needed to take a break and get back to working/real world. Hopefully I'll go back soon and finish up.

PostPosted:Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:23 am
by Andrew, Killer Bee
What were you studying, Kali?

PostPosted:Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:34 am
by Zeus
Andrew, Killer Bee wrote:Weren't you running a game store at one point in time, Zeus? What happened with that?
I had one in 2000. It was a hybrid games/video sales and rental store. Unlike most places, we did both properly and gave equal attention to each side. We weren't a games store with movies (like EB.) and were weren't a movies store with games (like Blockbuster). I divided the store in half and treated each section like a mini store.

Basically, I wasn't able to get my money to do it properly, so rather than die off slowly and struggle while I was 23 years old, I decided to just end it and start a new career and eventually suckered my way into a free education and an accounting job. The only real mistake we made was vastly underestimating the amount of capital necessary (I thought around $50k would be enough, but you need around $100k to do it properly) and couldn't get the money 'cause I couldn't prove I didn't need it, a requirement for a bank to give you money in this country. Not to mention I got fucked over by a government program that was supposed to give me money, but that's another conversation.

PostPosted:Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:57 am
by Kupek
I'm a computer science graduate student working towards my Ph.D. I've been doing this for three years, and I have at least two years left, maybe three. I do research for a living, which basically means we come up with ideas, implement them, and then writer papers about them. Hopefully we're the first ones to do it, and if not that, hopefully we did it better than the other people.

PostPosted:Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:18 pm
by Blotus
I'm a kitchen manager at an East Side Mario's downtown. We're going through a big labor shortage now so it's hard to find enough people to properly staff my kitchen. Luckily we're getting into our slow season so it's not too bad. I'm earning more than I thought I would at my age.

PostPosted:Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:25 am
by Ishamael
Programmer. Work on BBWA (Big Boring Web Apps). Weee. Easy boring work and OK money.

PostPosted:Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:07 am
by Julius Seeker
Black Lotus wrote:I'm a kitchen manager at an East Side Mario's downtown. We're going through a big labor shortage now so it's hard to find enough people to properly staff my kitchen. Luckily we're getting into our slow season so it's not too bad. I'm earning more than I thought I would at my age.
Oh shit! I have eaten at your restaraunt before. I like the Kalamari =)

PostPosted:Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:31 am
by Flip
I'm a CPA at a small public firm in a wealthy part of Northern Virginia. I do tax returns for local rich individuals and sometimes for their businesses/partnerships.

I didnt like it at first, but am coming around. I am getting used to the long commute and the many hours behind a desk. I used to be in audit at the same firm and hated it with a passion, but good auditors are hard to find so the pay was good. My pay stayed the same when i switched to the tax department, but am finding that it isnt increasing as largely as it would if i stayed in audit. But, it was a good move since i do like tax a lot better. I still feel underpaid, but that is the life of a small firm. You get more flexibility and the people are all really good to work with, it feels like another family, but the pay is lower than a big firm.

I plan to be here for a while, i started here out of college, jumped around jobs a few times in only a couple years and then got rehired back at this firm. The grass was not greener. I need to build a long relationship with one job before i think about something different. Besides, i have a lot of opportunity here and am starting to like it more and more.

PostPosted:Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:40 pm
by Andrew, Killer Bee
<i>Wise from your gwave!</i>

What are you guys doing now?

I'm still in The Industry, but doing marketing and tech stuff (rather than support, thank Christ!), and for a different company (the first one exploded, as recounted elsewhere). My feet are getting a bit itchy; I want to do something more challenging (and a bit more secure), but I don't know what. The mortgage and incoming baby encourage conservatism, though, which is probably for the best.

PostPosted:Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:51 pm
by Kupek
I'm doing an internship with IBM Research. My boss has come right out and said he'd like to hire me when I graduate. I go back to Blacksburg, VA at the beginning of October. I think I'll get my PhD in about a year, and then probably get an industry research job - if IBM Research does indeed extend and offer, I'd probably take it.

I like the ideals of being a professor, but the tenure process is just brutal. I've never met a young professor trying for tenure that was happy. It's like another five or six years of grad school, except now you have to chase your own funding and recruit students. Teaching is not high on tenure evaluation priorities. Teaching colleges are a possibility, but I think I'd be unhappy if I did no research at all.

So, a research position in industry it will probably be. I don't like putting up with corporate bureaucracy, but it's not that different than academic bureaucracy. And the nice thing with industry is the problems you're solving are generally real problems; academia can fall into the solutions-looking-for-problems trap.

That's not so much what I'm doing as where I'm going, but there you go.

PostPosted:Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:38 pm
by Tessian
wow, cool idea Andrew!

2 years later I'm still at the same company, but now I'm an Information Security Analyst (rather than an administrator... only way I could get my pay bump) doing a lot more than I was 2 years ago. Basically I'm co-managing Information Security for our global corporation.

PostPosted:Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:46 pm
by kali o.
Still an agent in Vancouver. Put schooling aside for the time being - I just didn't have the...passion? keep at it.

PostPosted:Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:01 am
by M'k'n'zy
I am working for Lowe's as a Team Leader. I am planning to work my way up the ladder and hope to eventually get into upper management, if not my own store. I came to a realization about 2 years ago that I really enjoy retail work, and decided to make it my carrer.

PostPosted:Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:04 am
by Tessian
M'k'n'zy wrote:I am working for Lowe's as a Team Leader. I am planning to work my way up the ladder and hope to eventually get into upper management, if not my own store. I came to a realization about 2 years ago that I really enjoy retail work, and decided to make it my carrer.
That's awesome man... I bet you're one of like 100 people in the world who feel that way so cheers ;)

PostPosted:Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:09 am
by SineSwiper
Been working for Insight Communications (local cable company) for close to 7 years now. Great environment, even if the road there has been a bit rocky. Started as Tier 2 and eventually moved up to become a System Integration Analyst (fancy word for web programmer).

PostPosted:Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:16 am
by Lox
Yeah, this is a cool idea!

It was fun reading mine because my goal from the last post has actually been achieved. :)

So, I'm still working for UPS, but I am now a Senior Programmer (one promotion) and hoping for a promotion to Programmer Analyst in March and working in a software development team. I get to write code (C++ mostly using COM) for an actual application within UPS (instead of just writing test tools). It's a pretty important one too which is cool. I currently get to migrate our app install to Vista. yay. haha

PostPosted:Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:24 am
by Shellie
Wow, 2 years ago I was in the same position as I am now. However, now I am the Workforce Analyst person for the whole call center instead of just HSI. Sounds fancy, but as Mully can attest to, it's nothing spectacular.

PostPosted:Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:28 am
by Kupek
That's okay. If you read my post carefully, you'll notice that two years later, I'm still a grad student expecting to finish "soon."

PostPosted:Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:32 pm
by Flip
Im no longer at the small firm i posted about. It helped me see that tax was the field i wanted to focus on, but eventually the pay of the small firm was getting to me. I work for AOL, now, in their federal tax group and the jump netted me a 40% raise. AOL may be in trouble, but i like it here. My department is cool, we do fun things all the time company wide, and the atmosphere is way more casual than public accounting (i.e. jeans to work).

PostPosted:Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:07 pm
by Zeus
I'm still an accountant (2 years now) and I've just moved to another company here in my hometown. 7km from home and far better than the commutes I used to do (65km and 100km). Also OT is far less here than in other places, which is a hard thing for accountants to get. Wanted to actually see my kids as they grow up, that's why I made the move

PostPosted:Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:12 pm
by Imakeholesinu
I'm now a Systems Engineer at another company. Been here almost a year and a half now. Still doing windows but more building and maintaining servers for customers than techsupport but I get my fair share of that as well.

PostPosted:Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:39 pm
by Sephy
2 years ago I was a first year med student, hating life. Today, I'm a third year, hating life less, past Step 1 of the boards, zeroing in on what I want to do, and cruising around in the hospital instead of studying all the time.

Still not making any money, still accruing a shitton of debt. Med school is looong.

PostPosted:Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:31 pm
by RentCavalier
I'm a full time student who was, until recently, doing two jobs--working in the textbooks department of a local college store and being a DA (Desk Assistant) for my dorm. Now I've quit the desk job and am focusing more on the textbooks job. Its pretty dead-end, but I do it so that I have extra money in my pocket for important things in life outside of school (Like food, booze, cigarettes and video games. ^_^)

PostPosted:Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:33 pm
by Zeus
Dutch wrote:
Black Lotus wrote:I'm a kitchen manager at an East Side Mario's downtown. We're going through a big labor shortage now so it's hard to find enough people to properly staff my kitchen. Luckily we're getting into our slow season so it's not too bad. I'm earning more than I thought I would at my age.
Oh shit! I have eaten at your restaraunt before. I like the Kalamari =)
Does your Kat like it as well? :-)

PostPosted:Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:47 pm
by Blotus
Zeus wrote:Kat

Anyway, I don't run shit anymore. The restaurant was closed down, another has taken it's place and I now work there. It's hella high-end. We put out beautiful and delicious, not to mention expensive, food. I've learned a hell of a lot more in the last few months than I did in six years at the old place. Soon I will be the greatest chef in the goddamn world.

PostPosted:Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:00 pm
by RentCavalier
Black Lotus wrote:
Zeus wrote:Kat

Anyway, I don't run shit anymore. The restaurant was closed down, another has taken it's place and I now work there. It's hella high-end. We put out beautiful and delicious, not to mention expensive, food. I've learned a hell of a lot more in the last few months than I did in six years at the old place. Soon I will be the greatest chef in the goddamn world.
Teach me your secrets.

PostPosted:Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:56 pm
by Blotus
Quit smoking.

PostPosted:Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:49 pm
by RentCavalier
Black Lotus wrote:Quit smoking.

PostPosted:Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:22 pm
by Anarky
Well I guess I was not that disillusioned with graphic design, seeing as I am now working as a Web Designer. I guess I was annoyed with print (which is going away....)

So since graduating college in July of 2007 I've been working as a Web Designer for the Los Angeles News Group in their interactive department. Honestly the company is slowly getting phased out with the changes of the world and the way news is circulated, but my department is the most bullet proof and I get paid well. I've gained a lot of experience and have revised my portfolio and resume and started looking again, but only for positions that appeal to me.

PostPosted:Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:26 pm
by SineSwiper
RentCavalier wrote:
Black Lotus wrote:Quit smoking.
Well, duh. You have to actually smell the food to be a good chef.

Re: Work

PostPosted:Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:51 pm
by Andrew, Killer Bee
Rise from your grave! Again!

The company I was working for in 2008 went belly up. I saw the signs and got out before it did (for once!). For the past three years I've been the sole DBA for an AFL team. It's been a great experience and I have learned a shocking amount about how a sports club is run, but I resigned a few weeks ago and today is my last day. I am (finally) moving into a software dev role, in which I start on Monday. Woo!

What are you doing with yourself now?

Re: Work

PostPosted:Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:44 pm
by Lox
Still with UPS, but I don't plan to be much longer (if I can find something I like better). I'm in the same group and I'm still enjoying it. It's still mostly C++, but I am doing more C# development now and I even got to build an ASP.NET web page along with some other pieces for doing proactive monitoring of our software deployment. I'm also much more involved in building requirements and designing the systems instead of just being a code monkey.

The promotion that I mentioned back in 2008...yeah, didn't get that in 2009...or 2010...or 2011! I've discovered that UPS IS is much more into the "how long have you worked in your current position" vs. "what level of work are you doing?" style of promoting so I'm positive I'll get promoted in April (since it'll be 5 years since my last promotion which fits into the recommended years of experience for getting promoted). But, I'm at a point where it's too little, too late. Plus, I think I'm just ready to be doing something new. I don't really care about package delivery as much you'd think. haha

I did get my Master's in CS in May so that was nice. I'd worked towards it for a long time. I don't know what type of company I want to work for next. I'm sure I want to keep doing software development thought.

Re: Work

PostPosted:Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:34 pm
by Anarky
Still at my job. Unfulfilled and miserable. I feel like I've been on the longest job search over the last two years.

I want to transition to becoming front end developer. I've had a few interviews lately but nothing has quite panned out yet. I am great on HTML and CSS, but I need to learn more java, jquery, and php to really get a new job. It is kind of frustrating, but at the same time I really don't touch my computer for anything beyond gaming when I get home. I kind of need to find a place that realizes I have the potential to learn quickly and be who they need. It's frustrating too because my girlfriend has been promoted twice since we started dating (startup PR company) and is now making quite a bit more than me.

Need to get out of my funk and stop being lazy. Might be time to enroll in classes or something.

I think the trick is for me to take a junior front end developer position and suck it up for a year and then move on.

Re: Work

PostPosted:Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:12 pm
by Shrinweck
Healing from foot surgeries professionally for the next year or so. Going back to school after that and then getting committed to a mental health facility because I've lived with my parents for so long.

Re: Work

PostPosted:Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:37 pm
by Zeus
I have a 20 years sentence left at the Canada Revenue Agency. Can't wait to retire

Re: Work

PostPosted:Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:53 am
by Shellie
crap. Still at the same job *sigh* (It will be 10 years with the company in December) I am the "Senior Workforce Analyst" though. I basically do the build work for various departments and districts and administrate the details. And help out the forecaster/schedulers when they need, or if the boss needs help(read: doesnt want to do it) with a report or special workforce scenario.

Really, it just means I have to dress business casual while everyone else in my dept is casual :/
Hate you Mully.

My dream is to own my own business. I just don't have anything in particular I'm good at. I get so angry when I see people find that little niche and go crazy on it.

Re: Work

PostPosted:Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:22 am
by Flip
I still do accounting, I'm a CPA, but for the last year and a half its been with a company that develops, builds, and operates wind farms and natural gas powered plants. I do the books and forecasting for 2 of our sites, a wind farm that is operational in Oklahoma and a natural gas plant in California that is being built.

On the side, i do taxes for a small client base during the busy season.