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Marvel Civil War?
PostPosted:Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:42 am
by Eric
Was browsing around Wikipedia and ran across, this. There's a superhero civil war going on in the marvel universe at the moment. And Iron Man is the bad guy? Spider-man's on the wrong side. Captain America is a fugitive? Wtf is going on!
I mean I don't really follow comics talking about it, but I found this interesting!
PostPosted:Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:36 am
by Kupek
It's a superhero comics storyline. They have to do The Biggest Thing Ever at least once every two years to keep readers excited. Superheros are more fun (and easier to write for) when they're dealing with the biggest stakes possible.
PostPosted:Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:32 am
by Lox
Derith can tell you more than me cuz I just got back into some Marvel books.
Basically, there are 2 sides on the issue of Super-Human Registration. Super-Human Registration being that all mutants & superhero types should willingly submit their identities and all that to the government so that those who misuse their powers can be handled.
Iron Man has become a mentor of sorts to Spiderman and both are on the pro-registration side. Spiderman actually revealed his secret identity to the world recently.
Others are, of course, on the anti-registration side. They believe that it's none of the governments business. Captain America is a fugitive now because he refuses to go along with it.
I believe that's all correct.
PostPosted:Tue Oct 17, 2006 3:46 pm
by SineSwiper
All that means is that you can never actually buy a suscription and expect to have any valid story that you can follow. No, you must buy ALL subscriptions to ANYTHING in the Marvel universe! I got sick of crossovers a long time ago...
PostPosted:Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:07 pm
by Lox
SineSwiper wrote:All that means is that you can never actually buy a suscription and expect to have any valid story that you can follow. No, you must buy ALL subscriptions to ANYTHING in the Marvel universe! I got sick of crossovers a long time ago...
It's not that bad anymore. I'm only reading one Xmen title and I can follow it. Anything major like this, I just wait for TPB or read summaries online.
PostPosted:Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:33 pm
by M'k'n'zy
Or you can find a good chunk of the Civil War on BitTorrent. Its been really interesting so far.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:22 pm
by Chris
well it's a pretty simple concept. new warriors fight villain nuke in stamford conneticut. (nuke is a lame villain with explosive powers) Nuke blows himself up and kills namorita, night thrasher, and the rest of the new warriors except for nova who is off in space being involved in another event omic called annhilation which may be the best event comic to happen in forever. the explosion sends speedball fluing and he lands somewhere in the midwest killing more people because he landed on them. So this inspires congress to pass the regestration act which forces all superheroes to regester with the government and become a part of sheild. iron man and spider man champion the cause of regestration and captain america says nay. this is stupid and goes underground with many many other supoerheroes. and the 2 sides proceed to fight wiith one another.
the problem with the storyline is that for the first 3 issues you could easily take either side. there were no good or bad guys. just 2 sides fighting for what they each thought was right. It's only in issue 4 that tony starrk and reed richards start seeming like evil bastards. the first 3 issues the sides both had points. issue 4 hits and you find Iron Man and Reed Richards did something so dispicable and evil that you suddenly hate the pro regestration side instiead of up till then being able to see both arguemen ts as valid. now both are valid but man I want to see those 2 get their asses beat so hard it'ss not even funny. Although one thing I do like though is what I think will happen in the later issues. THOR V THOR who will win? the anti regestration THOR or the pro regestration mindless killing machine CLOR!
so all in all.....prettyu good up till issue 4 which if I didn't have an insessant need to buy everything that comes out every week I would have dropped it after 4 and just waited for trade....
PostPosted:Sat Oct 21, 2006 12:18 pm
by Nev
Funny, I was just reading old issues of the New Warriors.
Didn't they disband a long time ago? And, that sucks. I liked them!
More sacrificial lambs for the grand comic soap opera, I guess...
PostPosted:Sat Oct 21, 2006 6:27 pm
by M'k'n'zy
Yeah. Oh yeah, and Speedball is in prison for refusing to register. Needless to say he isnt being treated well.
Oh and I should also mention that the New Warriors were having this fight on national TV, via their reality TV show
PostPosted:Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:46 pm
by SineSwiper
I miss Generation X. Or at least the potential of Gen X. Why did all of the good writers/artists have to leave Marvel at that point?
PostPosted:Sat Oct 28, 2006 10:34 pm
by Chris
are you kidding. marvel in the 90's (DC too was a cesspool of crappy comics with a very small amount of good. The only good through the 90's really is probably starman from DC which is a work of pure genius that anyone can enjoy. Then the start of the relaunch of JSA which is also quite amazing. outside of that the 90's were filled with terrible writing where the only really good stories were either small miniseries' or fill ins from good writers. but very little of it was good. far more style over substance with art taking priority. pretty much killed the comic industry. 90's titles to look for.....
The Spectre (John Ostrander/Thomas Mandrake)
Suicide Squad (John Ostrander)
Supergirl (Peter David)
Justice League of America (Grant Morrison)
The Flash (Mark Waid)
Preacher (Garth Ennis)
Stormwatch (Warren Ellis)
Starman (James Robinson)
Hellblazer (somee arcs were better than others)
JSA (Geoff Johns, James Robinson)
Swamp Thing
Deadpool (Joe Kelly/Gail Simone)
Animal Man (Grant Morrison)
League of Extraordinary Gentleman Volume 2 (Alan Moore)
Tom Strong (Alan Moore)
Supreme (Alan Moore)
Marvel Boy (Grant Morrison)
new Warriors (Fabian Nicezia)
Thunderbolts (Fabian Nicezia/Kurt Busiek)
Astro City (Kurt Busiek)
Rose & Thorn (Gail Simone)
The Entire Crossgen Line (All good. especially Scion, Route 666, Meridian, and's too bad they all had to end early)
Aquaman: Time & Tide (Peter David)
The Hulk (Peter David)
Most are either miniseries', complete runs with no other creative teams, or just went to hell after the listed creative teams left. and I do mean went tto hell. some got so bad afterward that it wasn't even funny. after most of these the exclusive contract boom hit and you started to see more of a focus on stories. Marvel started the ultimate line which has led to some amazing books and put Bendis on Daredevil. and I say this. Right now Daredevil and Captain America by Brubaker are 2 of the greatest books ever released. Just amazing stuff. anyone could check out Cap and daredevil right now and enjoy em. Not to mention Daredevil since Kevin Smith started his run. Kevin Smith was good then Bendis just built off of it and made it absolutely amazing. then brubaker just went with what was left to him and continued to blow the mind of me with amazing goodness. Check em out. I know Cap is all in trades and is well worth it.