so my last few months have been all fucking over. the girl everyone told me to forget I didn't. Things got better for awhile and she broke up with her current BF to try me out again, and we had sex 2 times after all the drama. Then school started again and she went into uber berserk school mode and i was left by the way side. We were getting our friendship straightened out and then out of nowhere we have a convo the other night about how she cannot even deal with me as a friend because of the guilt associated with me wanting to hang out with her sometimes, and her being way to busy. Fuck she is a 2nd year in college and wants to double major and double minor and do it in 4 years, what more can I expect. I hate what she has become in the last year, she was so much more fun last year when she was dating me and only doing one major. The worst part is she wants to go to law school, but I know she does not have the personality for it, mine is a better fit than hers. Fuck.... I am finally in counseling for many of my issues, turns out most of my stuff revolves around watching my father’s multiples sclerosis as I was growing up and how the verbal abuse played into it. Yay self-esteem being shot down by a man I love because of a disease he had no control of, or the frustration associated with it.
I want instant results but counseling is going to be a long road and it sucks a lot. I want this girl back in my life, but now she totally wants me out of it. I think she cares about me more than all of her class work and the easy kill is getting me out of it. What do I k now, I’m drunk...
I want instant results but counseling is going to be a long road and it sucks a lot. I want this girl back in my life, but now she totally wants me out of it. I think she cares about me more than all of her class work and the easy kill is getting me out of it. What do I k now, I’m drunk...