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Boris Yeltsin passes away at the age of 76.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:48 pm
by Julius Seeker ... -obit.html

Strange behaviour
Yeltsin's behaviour became increasingly bizarre throughout his years in office.

In 1994, he jumped on the stage during a visit to Germany to conduct a brass band while singing and dancing.

Later the same year, he failed to get off a plane during an official visit to Ireland. Russian officials told Irish officials that Yeltsin was unwell while the common belief among journalists covering the visit was that he was drunk.

During a 1998 banquet with Pope John Paul II, Yeltsin toasted his "love of Italian women."

With files from the Associated Press

PostPosted:Mon Apr 23, 2007 1:40 pm
by Nev
Yeltsin was a good, old-fashioned Russian drunk. According to some article I read at some point (Vanity Fair, I think), he used to step off the plane in Washington to meet with Clinton so drunk that they had to hustle him into a building before anyone saw him.

Good times, I guess. Except now the country he was supposed to be running is run by the mob...