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I need job acceptng advice folks....
PostPosted:Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:30 am
by Chris
ok. so I just got offered a job from a friend of mine who needs a part time tech support guy. I really want to take this job. I really do. but here is why I need advce as to whether I should take it or not.
1) I'm not actually that great at the tech stuff. I can do a lot but I'm not confident that I could be a full on tech for an office.
2) um.....I really doubt there are any comic shops in the area. (yes I'm that obsessed) and why am I not sure
3) The Job is in Costa Rica. oh yes....I'd be living in a city that's in the middle of a rainforest.
thus my dilemma. I love Costa Rica. I've ben there many times. Love it. love forests and all that kind of stuff. understang fuently spanish....however I can't speak for shit. but the problem support. I mean I know my stuff. but I can't afford to not would you bastiches be willing to help out if I run into a snag I can't figure out? because if I( had accessssss to people like Sne and watnot that know their shit when it comes to computers.......well...I'd be all over this....but as it is I don't know if I'm confident enough to accept should I....or should I not? GAHHHHH
PostPosted:Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:28 am
by Lox
I'd be willing to offer any help I could for the tech stuff.
How long would you have this job?
PostPosted:Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:47 am
by Shellie
Dont take it...I will
But really...Google is your friend. I learned by mostly just doing. Most things that go wrong have gone wrong for other people before.
Is it going to involve network support, or just helpdesk type stuff?
PostPosted:Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:05 am
by Tessian
If it's PC troubleshooting (and not server/network stuff too) take it, and work on getting CompTIA A+ certified right after.
The only other thing you sound to have a problem with is comic book stores... as Ser suggested look things up on Google, or hell ask your friend.
PostPosted:Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:30 am
by Nev
I used to work in tech support. You might do better than you think, though I also present myself as a resource for you if you need to ask questions.
It's a personal choice. That being said, if I were in your shoes, I'd do it, man. You're still young, and seeing the world and experiencing it is rarely a waste.
PostPosted:Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:46 am
by Kupek
What's your current job and living situation like?
PostPosted:Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:44 pm
by Zeus
Sounds like you like the job and are intrigued enough by it. So the real question is: is it worth giving up what you have now to do it? Really depends on what you're gonna get out of it personally and how much you have to give up to get it (opportunity cost for you econ guys :-).
I seriously considered going to the Caymans or Dubai when I was changing jobs but I wasn't gonna get enough coin to make up for the fact I was gonna be away from my family and life. But I value those more than some people so it really depends on whether or not you think it's worth moving to a new country, knowing very few people, and leaving behind whatever life you have now.
PostPosted:Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:01 pm
by Chris
Kupek wrote:What's your current job and living situation like?
lost my job in april, was homeless for 3 weeks and am living wth my trust me.....that situation couldn't be much worse than it is now
PostPosted:Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:31 pm
by Flip
Septagon doesnt pay you anything? I thought you just put out a comic? Whats wrong with that job?
PostPosted:Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:31 pm
by Andrew, Killer Bee
Just make sure you've either got a credit card or cash enough for a return ticket home.
Your situation could be much worse than it is now; you could be homeless in Costa Rica

PostPosted:Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:38 pm
by Chris
Flip wrote:Septagon doesnt pay you anything? I thought you just put out a comic? Whats wrong with that job?
it pays......but it pays shit. it's comics...there is almost no money in it unless you are working for the big companies or an artist. the moment. I have neither.
PostPosted:Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:10 am
by Ishamael
Ultimately, only you can say if it's worth it. To me, it wouldn't be...but I'm not you.
PostPosted:Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:14 am
by Zeus
Chris Hansbrough wrote:Flip wrote:Septagon doesnt pay you anything? I thought you just put out a comic? Whats wrong with that job?
it pays......but it pays shit. it's comics...there is almost no money in it unless you are working for the big companies or an artist. the moment. I have neither.
You can still do the comics from down there, no?
PostPosted:Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:10 am
by Chris
Zeus wrote:Chris Hansbrough wrote:Flip wrote:Septagon doesnt pay you anything? I thought you just put out a comic? Whats wrong with that job?
it pays......but it pays shit. it's comics...there is almost no money in it unless you are working for the big companies or an artist. the moment. I have neither.
You can still do the comics from down there, no?
that's what I loveses about the internets my friend
PostPosted:Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:57 pm
by Zeus
Chris Hansbrough wrote:Zeus wrote:Chris Hansbrough wrote:it pays......but it pays shit. it's comics...there is almost no money in it unless you are working for the big companies or an artist. the moment. I have neither.
You can still do the comics from down there, no?
that's what I loveses about the internets my friend
So, as long as you have the resources and ability to leave on the drop of a hat in case things get hairy and you have some place to come back to (ie. your parents), I see very little reason not to go since you're basically able to continue doing what you do now and leaving isn't really causing you to sacrifice much at all but has some decent rewards.
PostPosted:Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:40 pm
by kali o.
I'd do it...sounds like fun.
PostPosted:Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:19 am
by Nev
Again, it has to be a personal choice for ya, Chris.
I will say I think it would be spectacular to live in another part of the world for awhile. Probably will open your eyes to a lot of things. But you have to make sure you're ready, and the etc.
Let us know what you decide...