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This is why Sinfest is classic
PostPosted:Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:30 am
by Nev
I dunno how Tat gets away with all of this stuff. I can only conclude that most Christian fundamentalists have either never heard of Sinfest or have long since consigned it to the pits of blasphemy and are no longer reading it.
PostPosted:Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:08 pm
by Blotus
PBF is better.
PostPosted:Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:49 pm
by Andrew, Killer Bee
Achewood is best.
PostPosted:Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:31 pm
by Tessian
I hate to say it, because last time Nev posted something like this he got all upset we didn't like it... but I don't care for Sinfest at all. Except for the God hand puppet thing... not funny.
PBF is awesome, never heard of Achewood... I personally love Sam & Fuzzy and CAD (with PvP, Real Life, Goats, Applegeeks, Penny Arcade, and a few others)
PostPosted:Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:52 pm
by Oracle
Tessian wrote:... but I don't care for Sinfest at all. Except for the God hand puppet thing... not funny.
Same here. But the God-hand puppet thing is pretty fucking funny.
PostPosted:Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:42 am
by Andrew, Killer Bee
Tessian wrote:I personally love Sam & Fuzzy and CAD...
Tim Buckley is a complete asshole, as well.
From Wikipedia:
At PAX 2007, Holkins and Krahulik explained to the audience that Franzibald is a parody of Tim Buckley, whom Holkins and Krahulik mock at times.
From the man himself:
Tim Buckley wrote:
Fine, than go be bitter elsewhere that someone ten years younger than you is doing it bigger and better than you ever did, or ever will.
I don't know why you felt the need to come to my forums to try and cause shit. I didn't think people like you and that Straub punk could survive without your lips surgically grafted to Kurtz's cock.
In a single hour I get more email than you get in a week, so if you want to bitch and moan about me somewhere else, by all means, knock yourself out. But the instant you think you're going to come to my forums and tell me I'm lying, you'd better believe I'm going to ban your sorry ass.
Happy Webcomic Appreciation Day. I know you little webcomics love the attention. ... php?t=2524
(that was in response to questioning of his labeling the Webcomic Appreciation Day a crock of shit)
He also started a WOW guild for his readers, left it, then reappeared months later and abused its members, disbanded it, and then banned all guildmembers from his forums: ... opic=14300
He also solicited readers for cash for a Battlefield 2 server, then never bought the server and did not refund the cash. And he threatened to sic lawyers on to a high-school-aged fan that made some live-action video reenactments of the comic.
Dude is a grade-A asshole and his comic sucks, besides (<a href=" ... B+pbf">PBF in the style of CAD, by 4chan</a>). Don't read it.
PostPosted:Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:07 am
by SineSwiper
Sinfest is pretty good, though I must agree that
PBF is the best web comic ever created. Better than PvP, better than Penny Arcade, better than Mac Hall, or VG Cats.
PostPosted:Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:16 am
by Nev
Tessian wrote:I hate to say it, because last time Nev posted something like this he got all upset we didn't like it... but I don't care for Sinfest at all. Except for the God hand puppet thing... not funny.
PBF is awesome, never heard of Achewood... I personally love Sam & Fuzzy and CAD (with PvP, Real Life, Goats, Applegeeks, Penny Arcade, and a few others)
I plan to be depressed *all day* because you don't like my comic selections, little miss Tessian. Even if something makes me happy, I'm going to say to myself, "But, Tessian didn't like the Sinfest strip I posted, I better go cry."
How important do you think you are, anyway? I post these things on the off chance someone might find them funny. I'm not sure what happened last time, but I don't even care to go research it - my guess is, as usual, it had much more to do with the tone of the responses than anything else.
PostPosted:Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:43 pm
by Lox
Yeah, PBF is hilarious. I need to get his book from Amazon.
I like CAD the comic. I do not like Tim Buckley the creator. I really like the CAD forum community over there and post there a lot. But I noticed a long time ago that whenever Tim would appear on the forums, he always acted like an ass. The only really annoying thing about the forums is how most of the posters worship him like he's the greatest thing ever.
Thanks for some of the info, Andrew. Now I dislike him even more.

PostPosted:Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:38 pm
by Chris
I like webcomics as an artform I get a little bored with 3 panel strips or generic comic page sized. while I love some of those there are a lot of people out there who take advantage of what you can do on a computer and I find it absolutely fascinating.
I love some of the things scott mccloud has done in taking panel structure and rereally throwing it all out of whack. I loved this one
taking the comic frame structure and making it go front to back instead of left to right.
and then
demian 5 is fantastic too. all left to right but a stream rather than having any up and downyness.
PostPosted:Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:42 pm
by Oracle
SineSwiper wrote:Sinfest is pretty good, though I must agree that
PBF is the best web comic ever created. Better than PvP, better than Penny Arcade, better than Mac Hall, or VG Cats.
I read some PBF today, some are pretty lame, but I DO like this one

PostPosted:Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:52 pm
by Tessian
Damn Andrew... tell me what you REALLY think of CAD

geez... I'll definitely stay away from the guy, but I still enjoy his comics.
And to Chris-- Sorry, McCloud is a total douchebag. But that's to be expected with him being the self-proclaimed god of webcomics that has all the answers. How's micropayments going for webcomics? Oh that's right... everyone found out it was a horrible idea and a waste of time! Seriously, I can't stand some dickhead who believes himself to be the father of something like this (and neither can most other artists)
EDIT-- Took out my response to Nev since Andrew did a MUCH better job of it in Drama thread.
PostPosted:Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:53 pm
by SineSwiper
PostPosted:Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:07 pm
by Chris
Tessian wrote:Damn Andrew... tell me what you REALLY think of CAD

geez... I'll definitely stay away from the guy, but I still enjoy his comics.
And to Chris-- Sorry, McCloud is a total douchebag. But that's to be expected with him being the self-proclaimed god of webcomics that has all the answers. How's micropayments going for webcomics? Oh that's right... everyone found out it was a horrible idea and a waste of time! Seriously, I can't stand some dickhead who believes himself to be the father of something like this (and neither can most other artists)
EDIT-- Took out my response to Nev since Andrew did a MUCH better job of it in Drama thread.
and you my firend.....through 2 posts have proven yourself to be an ass hole and an idiot. when was reinventing comics published? seriously....its called specuating on the future. sometimes it doesn't come true....and honestly at that point in was a good idea. I still think it couldbe. I know a few webcomics that I would probably pay for. A lot of them were ones he pointed me towards. and when the fuck did he self proclaim himself the god of all webcomics.
I'll stand by my statement that you are a fucking asshat. trolling with nev. and you are flat out just trying to start shit and shoving your foot so far down your throat it's coming out your ass hole.
seriously tess. fuck you. You are talking about a guy I happen to know. someone who isn't cocky. someone who god forbid tries to think of ways to be creative. god forbid.
PostPosted:Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:24 pm
by Oracle
Chris Hansbrough wrote:Tessian wrote:Damn Andrew... tell me what you REALLY think of CAD

geez... I'll definitely stay away from the guy, but I still enjoy his comics.
And to Chris-- Sorry, McCloud is a total douchebag. But that's to be expected with him being the self-proclaimed god of webcomics that has all the answers. How's micropayments going for webcomics? Oh that's right... everyone found out it was a horrible idea and a waste of time! Seriously, I can't stand some dickhead who believes himself to be the father of something like this (and neither can most other artists)
EDIT-- Took out my response to Nev since Andrew did a MUCH better job of it in Drama thread.
and you my firend.....through 2 posts have proven yourself to be an ass hole and an idiot. when was reinventing comics published? seriously....its called specuating on the future. sometimes it doesn't come true....and honestly at that point in was a good idea. I still think it couldbe. I know a few webcomics that I would probably pay for. A lot of them were ones he pointed me towards. and when the fuck did he self proclaim himself the god of all webcomics.
I'll stand by my statement that you are a fucking asshat. trolling with nev. and you are flat out just trying to start shit and shoving your foot so far down your throat it's coming out your ass hole.
seriously tess. fuck you. You are talking about a guy I happen to know. someone who isn't cocky. someone who god forbid tries to think of ways to be creative. god forbid.
Defensive much? I think this board is suffering from a sandstorm, all those vaginas are getting mighty itchy.
PostPosted:Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:14 pm
by Tessian
Chris Hansbrough wrote:Tessian wrote:Damn Andrew... tell me what you REALLY think of CAD

geez... I'll definitely stay away from the guy, but I still enjoy his comics.
And to Chris-- Sorry, McCloud is a total douchebag. But that's to be expected with him being the self-proclaimed god of webcomics that has all the answers. How's micropayments going for webcomics? Oh that's right... everyone found out it was a horrible idea and a waste of time! Seriously, I can't stand some dickhead who believes himself to be the father of something like this (and neither can most other artists)
EDIT-- Took out my response to Nev since Andrew did a MUCH better job of it in Drama thread.
and you my firend.....through 2 posts have proven yourself to be an ass hole and an idiot. when was reinventing comics published? seriously....its called specuating on the future. sometimes it doesn't come true....and honestly at that point in was a good idea. I still think it couldbe. I know a few webcomics that I would probably pay for. A lot of them were ones he pointed me towards. and when the fuck did he self proclaim himself the god of all webcomics.
I'll stand by my statement that you are a fucking asshat. trolling with nev. and you are flat out just trying to start shit and shoving your foot so far down your throat it's coming out your ass hole.
seriously tess. fuck you. You are talking about a guy I happen to know. someone who isn't cocky. someone who god forbid tries to think of ways to be creative. god forbid.
Damn Nev... I was not trolling-- I was simply voicing my opinion on who you brought up; I'm sorry that it's contradictory to your own but that's what a debate is all about. You took this just as personally as Nev does everytime he has a breakdown. Did you see me take offense when Chris attacked one of my webcomics? No, because I didn't take it as a personal fucking attack against my character like you did here.
My post was not uninformed-- it is one voiced by many other webcomics the last time he decided he knew how to fix his invention. I haven't heard him mentioned since the whole micropayment thing but I do distinctly remember other comics pissed off at the guy because he comes off as self important and like he has some ownership of webcomics. I'm glad he doesn't come off that way to people who know him, but some in the community have spoken otherwise.
Like I said, however, this was not an attack on you so calm the fuck down. Some of you have for whatever reason decided that if someone posts a thought contrary to your own that it's automatically a direct attack against you and they're total douchebags. Seriously man, calm down and read Andrew's post to Nev in the Drama thread cause now it might apply to you too.
Is that where this place is going? That everyone's becoming so fucking sensitive that we can't debate without someone going apeshit and being insulted?
PostPosted:Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:03 am
by Chris
Tessian wrote:Chris Hansbrough wrote:Tessian wrote:Damn Andrew... tell me what you REALLY think of CAD

geez... I'll definitely stay away from the guy, but I still enjoy his comics.
And to Chris-- Sorry, McCloud is a total douchebag. But that's to be expected with him being the self-proclaimed god of webcomics that has all the answers. How's micropayments going for webcomics? Oh that's right... everyone found out it was a horrible idea and a waste of time! Seriously, I can't stand some dickhead who believes himself to be the father of something like this (and neither can most other artists)
EDIT-- Took out my response to Nev since Andrew did a MUCH better job of it in Drama thread.
and you my firend.....through 2 posts have proven yourself to be an ass hole and an idiot. when was reinventing comics published? seriously....its called specuating on the future. sometimes it doesn't come true....and honestly at that point in was a good idea. I still think it couldbe. I know a few webcomics that I would probably pay for. A lot of them were ones he pointed me towards. and when the fuck did he self proclaim himself the god of all webcomics.
I'll stand by my statement that you are a fucking asshat. trolling with nev. and you are flat out just trying to start shit and shoving your foot so far down your throat it's coming out your ass hole.
seriously tess. fuck you. You are talking about a guy I happen to know. someone who isn't cocky. someone who god forbid tries to think of ways to be creative. god forbid.
Damn Nev... I was not trolling-- I was simply voicing my opinion on who you brought up; I'm sorry that it's contradictory to your own but that's what a debate is all about. You took this just as personally as Nev does everytime he has a breakdown. Did you see me take offense when Chris attacked one of my webcomics? No, because I didn't take it as a personal fucking attack against my character like you did here.
My post was not uninformed-- it is one voiced by many other webcomics the last time he decided he knew how to fix his invention. I haven't heard him mentioned since the whole micropayment thing but I do distinctly remember other comics pissed off at the guy because he comes off as self important and like he has some ownership of webcomics. I'm glad he doesn't come off that way to people who know him, but some in the community have spoken otherwise.
Like I said, however, this was not an attack on you so calm the fuck down. Some of you have for whatever reason decided that if someone posts a thought contrary to your own that it's automatically a direct attack against you and they're total douchebags. Seriously man, calm down and read Andrew's post to Nev in the Drama thread cause now it might apply to you too.
Is that where this place is going? That everyone's becoming so fucking sensitive that we can't debate without someone going apeshit and being insulted?
a) that was Chris not nev. overblowing things how I like to.
b) I still think you are trolling with nev in multiple threads. that was part was true.
c) You called a friend of mine something that is patently not true. he's far from full of himself. years ago he writes a book about what he would like to see in webcomics. and honestly.....I like a lot of his ideas. micropaynents not so much but it's ideas. it's not him being a pompous ass hole.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:06 am
by RentCavalier
Sinfest is fairly brilliant, mostly because it's insightful, and mostly because it doesn't take one particular stand as much as it just shows the good and evil in all the various philosophies.
Plus, anything that the Devil is in latest stri. The guy's a laugh. Did you see the latest strip, where he's mocking Jesus? FUNNY AS FUCK.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:17 am
by Andrew, Killer Bee
I think a lot of people got the wrong impression of Scott McCloud through the way Penny Arcade — unfairly, I think — railed against him. I love Penny Arcade, but Tycho and particularly Gabe can be real assholes sometimes; that whole incident with Harlan Ellison, for example, really stuck in my craw.
I think also, Chris, that you need to realise we have a tendency to speak differently of people that we don't actually know, and particularly of people in the public eye. I don't imagine that if I knew Gabe and Tycho personally I'd be half as likely to so casually refer to them as assholes; and I'm sure if Tessian knew Scott McCloud personally he wouldn't refer to him as a total douchebag.
Have you read much of Scott McCloud's stuff, Tessian? <i>Zot!</i> and <i>Understanding Comics</i> are absolutely landmark titles.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:02 am
by RentCavalier
you know what's a really nice, sorta feel-good comic?
Questionable Content. It's surprisingly normal (I.E. teh characters are not anatomically exagerrated and/or have super-powers, engage in cartoon violence, etc) and it's from a part of Massachusetts that I actually hold fairly dear to my heart, considering I lived there for a year.
It's a comic that is best described as a romantic comedy revolving around indie music. The music aspect isn't a huge portion (some of the strips will have three panels of total music nerdage that half the world won't understand, followed by one panel of TEH FUNNEH) but it's got some great character drama, some really, REALLY good dialogue, and it's a comic written by a guy with a cast of mostly self-concious and self-assured women who are NOT, as it turns out, sexual archetypes.
Plus, it's a daily comic that has some EXCELLENT art quality. And the guy who does it, Jeph is fri--er--mortal enemies with Sam Logan, from the ever-entertaining Sam and Fuzzy.
These guys don't seem to ever get involved in online webcomic disputes. We should read THEIR comics. Yeah!
PostPosted:Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:25 am
by Nev
You know, just as a brief aside, I was reading the posts and thinking more about Kup's comments about perspective, and hopefully I can leverage this thought into being less of an ass around here.