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V8 Chainsaw

PostPosted:Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:11 pm
by Tessian
Thank you Attack of the Show... but NO thank you Olivia Munn for wearing a beard tonight... wtf lady?

Anywho... I don't know what to say about this... just... wow

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:57 am
by SineSwiper
I can't believe you're watching that show. You're supposed to boycott G4 until it dies its slow death, and gets replaced by something better.

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2008 11:34 am
by Tessian
SineSwiper wrote:I can't believe you're watching that show. You're supposed to boycott G4 until it dies its slow death, and gets replaced by something better.
It's not a bad network overall... and if you think having a little boycott will kill it, you're pretty naive. That, and if it DOES die, I seriously doubt it'd be replaced at all, let alone "by something better"

That's like not liking your daddy, so you plan to get him arrested and taken away so he can be replaced by a better daddy. It doesn't work that way. You're most likely to just end up with nothing.

There's only 3 shows I bother watching out of the, like, 6 on that channel: AotS, Ninja Warrior, and Code Monkeys. AotS I've explained, Ninja Warrior is just a port but it's freakin awesome to watch, and Code Monkeys is pretty funny as it's drawn as an 80's video game.

TechTV died and it isn't coming back-- stop dreaming.

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2008 11:40 am
by Zeus
SineSwiper wrote:I can't believe you're watching that show. You're supposed to boycott G4 until it dies its slow death, and gets replaced by something better.
G4 ain't that bad. Attack of the Show is actually a decent show. I could do with X-Play getting a complete remake. And I used to love their Icons series, that was pretty good.

They definitely need an overhaul and get some serious shows going but if I had to choose between nothing and what I have now, I'll take what I have now.

Although they have to get rid of the MLG commentary on the fucking Halo tournaments. This is one of the main reasons gaming still doesn't get huge mainstream press, we've got a 'professional' gaming circuit that has tournaments for parts of games that 90% of the market don't play (online FPS hardcores are a small fraction of the gaming population). Hell, I'm a gamer and I can't watch it, I just don't care for the game they're playing. And they have Pac-Man championships and barely show them. What about some Tetris ones or even a gaming show in the vein of The Lab with Leo Laporte which actually caters the gaming market to non-gamers, maybe explains things a little more simply rather than feed the wet dreams of fanboys?

The market's matured a lot more than I think the TV morons are giving it credit for. The only thing we get on non-cable is the fucking Spike awards, which are stupid.

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2008 11:49 am
by SineSwiper
Yeah, I know. I'm still sore that they bought an entire TV channel just for X-Play. Nowadays, they have a hard time separating themselves from something like Spike TV, which is quite sad, since a large demographic are gamers. (It's also sad that they fuck up a show bad enough to push Wil Wheaton to quit.) TechTV's audience was accurate and the channel lineup was pure tech stuff.

BTW, I don't get Code Monkeys. Just not that funny to me. Ninja Warrior is pretty cool, but I miss the good episodes of MXC.

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:33 pm
by Tessian
Zeus wrote: I could do with X-Play getting a complete remake.
You actually may be getting that wish. They announced last month that Xplay was being "retooled" and "updated" or whatever and the new season debuts sometime this month. Never heard what's changing but I found it funny you mentioned that.
Sineswiper wrote: but I miss the good episodes of MXC.
Wrong channel; Spike always had that. Does this mean they don't air it anymore?

I won't deny that G4 needs to be MORE geeky... I mean if Ninja Warrior isn't on then it's Cops 2.0... WTF watches that shit? And their Midnight Spank is just stupid... they show random commercials and trailers from Japan? I've only found it useful to have on when trying to fall asleep.

G4 has a few good shows, but they do need to make better use of their demographic/channel... it seems they're just filling dead air space most of the time.