The nerdiest podcast of all time will bhe coming to you soon. Straight out of the pacific Northwest join your hosts the Batchit insane Chris Hansbrough and His jock counterpart Ryan Williams as they discuss news, reviews, and previews in a roundtable with special guests galore. Tackling the world of Comics, Movies, Games, Hardware, programming and touching on everything a nerd would care about. join us weekly for fun, hilarity, and douchebaggery Recorded live from a location TBD at a time TBD.
yeah a buddy of mine and I decided to start a podcast/ we're totally gonna kick ass. it's gonne be mostly roundtable format with some call ins from flks who want to join in the cracked out fun. It's gonna be the best podcast about nothing in particular. no real show notes just a list of topics to hit and freewheeling fun from start to finish.
so yeah. I honestly want you guys to participate too. I know I would love to get Fea and andrew on the line to add some Aussie crass to the gaming talk....(or comic too in Andrews case) Sine can come on to talk about code and to be an inane jackass. Zeus to share his shit taste in movies. Tess and bovie to speak f te haloz....lotus as well....not to mention class the joine up and get Lox to come on to talk the comics...Get Don Wang to go on an excessively long rant about why fate stay night literally blows you while you play it.....
yeah a buddy of mine and I decided to start a podcast/ we're totally gonna kick ass. it's gonne be mostly roundtable format with some call ins from flks who want to join in the cracked out fun. It's gonna be the best podcast about nothing in particular. no real show notes just a list of topics to hit and freewheeling fun from start to finish.
so yeah. I honestly want you guys to participate too. I know I would love to get Fea and andrew on the line to add some Aussie crass to the gaming talk....(or comic too in Andrews case) Sine can come on to talk about code and to be an inane jackass. Zeus to share his shit taste in movies. Tess and bovie to speak f te haloz....lotus as well....not to mention class the joine up and get Lox to come on to talk the comics...Get Don Wang to go on an excessively long rant about why fate stay night literally blows you while you play it.....