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New 3G 8GB iPhone with GPS support. Price: $199

PostPosted:Mon Jun 09, 2008 3:29 pm
by Julius Seeker

PostPosted:Mon Jun 09, 2008 3:58 pm
by Zeus
No, free without a monthly plan would be a steal. This is simply a decent price

PostPosted:Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:17 pm
by Flip
Thats pretty tough to beat... if only they expanded away from AT&T, too... nah, what am i saying, i could still never jump on the apple bandwagon, i hate iTunes that much.

PostPosted:Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:09 pm
by SineSwiper
Flip wrote:Thats pretty tough to beat... if only they expanded away from AT&T, too... nah, what am i saying, i could still never jump on the apple bandwagon, i hate iTunes that much.
As you should. Apple did nothing but fuck over the artist EVEN MORE on that one.

PostPosted:Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:00 am
by Andrew, Killer Bee
SineSwiper wrote:As you should. Apple did nothing but fuck over the artist EVEN MORE on that one.
Huh?! How's that?
Zeus wrote:No, free without a monthly plan would be a steal. This is simply a decent price
I realise I shouldn't be arguing about price fairness with a dude that rifles through game boxes for Xbox Live trial subscriptions, but this price, for a device that does what the iPhone does, is amazing. Recent model Blackberries are upwards over $600 over here. The 3G iPhone will be, at most, less than half that. Insane.

PostPosted:Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:33 am
by SineSwiper
Andrew, Killer Bee wrote:
SineSwiper wrote:As you should. Apple did nothing but fuck over the artist EVEN MORE on that one.
Huh?! How's that?

Put simply: Apple's iTunes model has actually LOWERED the standards for royalites to artists. And Apple really doesn't give a shit. As long as they are giving less to the customer (lossy format, no lyrics, no cover art) for the same money as CDs, Apple is still making their money and raking in on a racket.

PostPosted:Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:03 am
by Tessian
Apple: We have a bigger marketing budget than you.

PostPosted:Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:34 am
by Zeus
Andrew, Killer Bee wrote:
Zeus wrote:No, free without a monthly plan would be a steal. This is simply a decent price
I realise I shouldn't be arguing about price fairness with a dude that rifles through game boxes for Xbox Live trial subscriptions, but this price, for a device that does what the iPhone does, is amazing. Recent model Blackberries are upwards over $600 over here. The 3G iPhone will be, at most, less than half that. Insane.
Well, I have an Indian fellow who works here and is a huge Apple fan. He's tellin' me that in India, and much of the rest of Europe where he travelled and lived (not Australia, if I remember correctly), the iPhone at even $400 was considered to be too expensive for what it offered. You could get phones that did more, just not necessarily touch screen, for less. This drop appears to be more to take the device from the Apple fan, who have been basically the people buying them at that inflated price, to the mass market, to try and actually make a dent in the overall cell market. Far different market, very price competitive.

Personally, I think that it should come free if you sign a contract with a cell company. I would never pay for a phone then commit to overpaying (much different here; we get MOLESTED on cell rates) for 3-years and only receive a shitty phone with it.

PostPosted:Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:06 am
by Imakeholesinu
Oh, you can't even activate it on your own. Needs to be done at an apple store or AT&T store.


PostPosted:Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:16 am
by Zeus
Imakeholesinu wrote:Oh, you can't even activate it on your own. Needs to be done at an apple store or AT&T store.

It'll be Rogers up here

PostPosted:Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:44 pm
by Flip
The new iPhone is more expensive:

PostPosted:Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:45 pm
by Tessian
Flip wrote:The new iPhone is more expensive:
$10/month does add up quickly, but for the 3G features I think it's justified. What really shocked me was the $15/month charge JUST for being able to use Exchange on the iphone. Talk about giving the shaft to business users-- the iPhone may come to dominate the power-user consumer market, but I don't think it'll be able to touch the Blackberry held corporate market.

iPhone just doesn't compete in a corporate environment-- not only are you paying extra for features that are FREE on other devices like Treos, there's no central management server a la Blackberry Enterprise Servers. Blackberry remains (as far as I know) the only phone that lets a company completely control what every phone they own can and can't do as well as disable and wipe that phone clean in a moment's notice if it's stolen/lost. Until apple can come out with some BES-type server for iPhones they won't get far in the corporate world except for idiot VP's who force their company to buy them a new toy.

PostPosted:Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:44 pm
by Zeus
And the Canadians can expect even more ass-raping charges from Rogers than that.