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Funny how a dumb little article...
PostPosted:Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:00 am
by Flip ... n_ever-467
Makes me think my job isnt so bad. Then i realize it is boring, no matter how you look at it.
PostPosted:Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:30 pm
by Zeus
It's fucking dull, no doubt. But now I'm actually revamping my new company's entire information flow. It's kinda like a mixture between financial and managerial accounting, it's pretty neat.
But "neat" to an accountant. Still not a "cool" job or anything
PostPosted:Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:48 pm
by SineSwiper
It really depends on the person. Personally, I like numbers and statistics. I'm a closet statistician at heart, even though I program for a living. It's neat being able to sort and acquire the numbers to produce a real-world result, the answer of which sometimes surprises people.
Sure, that's not accounting, but I'm just pointing out that different things get different people excited.
PostPosted:Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:10 am
by Tessian
Accountants are like Lawyers-- few people want to be them but everyone needs them (although unlike lawyers, I don't think many people hate accountants).
In your life I believe there are a few types of people you really need to always have close by: An accountant, a lawyer, an IT person, and a mechanic. They're all highly specialized fields that every person will need to heavily rely many times during their lives and if you don't then be prepared to pay a lot more for said services

PostPosted:Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:51 am
by RentCavalier
It's kind of like an MMO--we need a party of a number of specialized jobs in order to survive.