CNN had a panel of financial people making predictions for 2009 the other day. The only statement that caught my attention was the average gas price in the US will drop below $1 per gallon.
Why? Because the American auto industry has failed by producing the most energy inefficient vehicles. I have always driven American manufactured and designed vehicles until my current car (2007 VW Jetta). Sure, its engineered in Germany and manufactured in Mexico but it is a vastly superior product in both value and quality. And, I might add, I'm not the biggest fan of NAFTA so purchasing a Mexican manufactured product was not my first choice. Not for the concept, but for the way American industry has exploited it. And in this case, doesn't Volkswagen of America fall under NAFTA when manufacturing in North America?
So, to continue my train of thought here, since the American auto industry failed in their design, people are going to be loosing jobs. The petroleum industry made all this money raising prices because people already had their inferior American automobiles. They needed fuel so they kept purchasing gas regardless of cost. Then they got smart, like me, and purchased a more energy friendly vehicle (a Jetta isn't the best, but it was a good trade on the MPG/performance ratio...I always have an overly heavy foot).
There was a report not too long ago that one in every ten jobs in America are affected by the American auto industry. Now, the lower cost of gas means that more people may start looking to purchase their fuel inefficient "pony" cars (see Ford Mustang, Dodge Challenger, etc.) and their "land yachts" (see Chevrolet Suburban). It is in the best interest of the petroleum industry to lower prices so this will happen. The United States is a large consumer of petroleum products (I would assume it is by far the largest, but I don't feel like looking it up.) so if one and every ten people lose their jobs because the auto industry failed, no one is going to have vehicles to put gas in or if they do money to actually purchase it.