Replay wrote:Yup, a pure sales tax model shafts the poor something fierce.
How so? The poor do not spend a shit ton of money on things they don't need. (Oh wait yes they do because of predatory lenders and credit cards, but that is their own damn fault). The rich spend on whatever they want whenever they want (hence why they have the money). Tax revenue then would be primarily generated by those who buy the most (the rich). The poor would pay tax based on what they purchase the same way but in turn since they wouldn't have state withholdings any longer some could actually make out better if they shopped at discount stores (and stopped buying crack and booze with their kids social security checks). This system would 1) re-establish and define monetary classes amongst the public in the state 2) make the rich finally start paying for their end on the state level so their fucking accountants can't weasel them out of paying state taxes 3) add just the slightest bit of tax revenue to the state so they can waste it on ear-marks later on.
How is this bad though? 1) Everyone gets taxed out the ass on whatever they purchase. 2) You would still have to pay taxes on cars that you already paid for in full no matter what because the government sees every citizen as a ripe waiting corn hole just waiting to get fucked. 3) Those taxes may seriously take a chunk out of the lower middle class and turn them to poor in a matter of months.
Now, I'm sure you will all agree that the rich have the money to make sure they don't pay all of their taxes. This system ensures they do, but on the other end it makes it also impossible for the poor to buy anything extra other than the necessities (food, shelter, water). Unfortunately in a Capital/socialistic society (which, yes, is what we are in since we bail out multi-billion dollar banks with tax payer money because the lobbiest's give a damn good blow job) this is what will happen. We cannot have our cake and eat it too when it comes to tax reform because tax reform is so diluted and complicated NO ONE UNDERSTANDS MUCH LESS IS ABLE TO FILE A LEGAL RETURN AND GET THE CORRECT AMOUNT BACK OR PAY THE CORRECT AMOUNT OWED because of all of the stupid tax codes that were added in the last 25-30 years.
Hence why people are all fed up and throwing tea parties to voice their displeasure (non-partisan mind you, liberals are also fed up with this shit).
The only way to fix it (and I'm probably going to make it on the DoHS list with this comment is) to run all the fuckers in power out either by democratic due process or by violent coups.
Add term limits to ALL offices of the government Local, State, and Federal. Abolish or impose strict lobbying regulations. Watch the cockroaches flee from the underneath the fridge.
This government needs a breath of fresh air. The house is full of stagnate officals holding on to their special pensions. The senate is run by a whack job (Pelosi) who would rather consult gypsy's than read a report on the facts of life.
Citizens need to realize big government and big corporations turn a blind eye to the individual. Band together for the greater good. For great justice!!!!
"An old man dies, a young girl lives, fair trade." - Bruce Willis from Sin City.