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My state is so, so screwed

PostPosted:Tue May 12, 2009 11:50 pm
by Mental

I am so furious with the rest of the electorate and my state Congressional Democrats for spending us into a disaster area. I don't believe this. Not only does it make everyone in the most populous and highest-GDP state in the Union look completely irresponsible - and rightly so, because that's what everyone has been - it's gotten to the point where it's going to be very, very bad, because hospitals won't have the resources to care for the sick and there won't be enough police funding to stop the crime resulting from our 11% unemployment.

Anyone else starting to feel like the boomers handed our generation a pretty raw deal, guys and girls?

PostPosted:Wed May 13, 2009 1:35 am
by Anarky
We have the 6th largest economy in the world... :'(

This is just horrible

PostPosted:Wed May 13, 2009 7:55 am
by Tessian
There is a reason that republicans use CA as a shining example of runaway democrat spending habits...

Didn't schwartzeneger give free health care, licenses, and homes to illegals or something? And I may be totally wrong on this one, but doesn't CA have the largest prison population too? I always hear about them running out of room.

It does seriously sounds like way too much spending going on.. if only someone would audit their books and kick out all the stupid shit to put them back in the black.. but that'll never happen (anywhere)

PostPosted:Wed May 13, 2009 8:23 am
by Zeus
Isn't Ahnold Rebublican?

PostPosted:Wed May 13, 2009 8:33 am
by SineSwiper
Tax Marijuana.

Done. Economy fixed.

PostPosted:Wed May 13, 2009 11:59 am
by Mental
Tessian wrote:Didn't schwartzeneger give free health care, licenses, and homes to illegals or something? And I may be totally wrong on this one, but doesn't CA have the largest prison population too? I always hear about them running out of room.
No, actually, Schwarzenegger is heavily anti-illegal-immigration and actually praised border vigilantes like the Minutemen. :P (Which is a really bad idea, but you can't put any of the blame for runaway spending on social services for illegals on him.)

Seriously, Tess, free homes? You have to realize that whereever you heard that from, it's a smear of the worst order.

I wasn't a fan of Arnie at first, but I'm really coming to believe he's done his best trying to cut the budget in this state. The worst of the partisan Democrats here - and they are really a really bad, viciously partisan, stupidly and blindly idealistic lot, who start lots of social programs and spending without ever looking at whether or not they're working - have smeared Arnold over and over to the point where he's never been able to get anything on his agenda passed.

And that's measured against his record in the end - it is a politician's job to rally his base enough to get his legislation passed, and Arnie never managed to get the moviegoing segment that put "the Governator" in office to actually show up to any of the votes on his propositions. But it still makes me furious with the Democrats, who have been just as pissy and obstructionist as possible on all of this.

Of course, our Republicans, whose biggest hot-button issue is illegal immigration, have done just a stellar job of things too on that one, by threatening ordinary people who disagree with them with pepper spray and lies and proposing mass deportations without actually checking anyone's paperwork and generally being so hostile and nasty and violent over the whole thing that nobody else wants to take part in actual immigration reform with a ten-foot pole. Seriously, Tess, whatever you think about illegal immigration, these people are beyond the pale. I went up to some conservative protest and disagreed with some sign that said "Day Labor Sites Are Law Violation Incubators" and one of the women there covered my face with her flag and threatened me with pepper spray with a vicious smile on her face when I pulled it off, later claiming on the Internet for about a month that I'd "tried to steal her flag". (I obviously can bring my own goddamned American regalia if I ever - God Forbid - felt like using it as a weapon for lies in that way.) One of the men there, a lawyer and professor as I found out later, came up to me on the street while I was walking away and claimed in a voice very deliberately designed for others to hear that I'd threatened him with a revolver, including the sheriff watching. They have some lovely footage of me looking incredibly harassed going "I don't own a revolver!" up on some anti-immigration site that's designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The attitudes of the Republican politicians aren't really any different, except that instead of being threatening on the street they're passing bills where they deport adults without warning and literally leave children abandoned with nobody to care for them except any friends of the family or nearby churches who feel like saving a poor child.

Yes, Sine, taxing marijuana would do a lot, though "economy fixed" is a massive exaggeration and you need to know that. Marijuana is about a $35B cash crop countrywide, and I believe California's share of that market is $10B. They're talking about taxing it at about ten percent ($35 an ounce), so that would probably be an addition of a billion dollars a year to the state budget. That's nowhere near the $20B shortfall we've got going on, but it would help.

Truthfully, as a state, we deserve this. The Democrats I've known have voted for idiotic budget-busting shit because it "sounds cool" or whatnot, assuming that we have some Infinite Bag Of Money holding somewhere that pipes gold pieces from another dimension into our social projects. The Republicans have, as everywhere, gotten so violent and nasty that they'd literally be beating and torturing and killing liberals if only the damned laws permitted - the people who lied about me on the street would easily have lied to put me away forever if they could have managed it, just trust me on that, I've kept half an eye on their website ever since.

And even the social services that are going to get cut have their own share of pride and hubris and poor service that prevent things from going well. The teachers' unions repeatedly defend ridiculously poor teaching and block any attempt to institute performance-based pay, and scream bloody murder anytime they don't get their way. The police screw with people all over the place and many of them think they're above the law. Our state hospitals are filled with inept, lazy orderlies and doctors who take kickbacks from the pharmaceutical industry. And the fire department charges such high rates for something like an ambulance ride that anyone making less than fifty grand a year or so will be more or less impoverished with one call to 911. So as bad as I feel about all these cuts, some of these people have repeatedly been so selfish about the system that they've brought it on themselves.

But it's not everyone, and it just infuriates me that the people who tried hard and did a good job and really tried their best to do right by their state are going to be collateral damage along with the selfish, self-centered, and lazy ones who only gave a shit about themselves. I'm just tired of it.

PostPosted:Wed May 13, 2009 12:06 pm
by Mental
SineSwiper wrote:Tax Marijuana.

Done. Economy fixed.
Seriously, you really need to go look up figures before you go "durrr pot can fix everything". I, of all people, as you guys and girls well know (or should by now anyway), use and love medicinal and recreational pot all the time and would love to see it legalized and taxed. But $1B in free and clear tax revenue is a far cry from our $21B budget hole, and with as much corruption and waste as we have in our government, it would all get eaten up and disappear into the pet projects of a hundred inept politicians. It won't fix the problem. Only clear-cutting our city and state and federal governments and getting some people in who actually give a flying rat's ass about actually helping the populace live instead of throwing their hands up over the snarled bureaucratic messes will do that.

Arnie tried. He really did, and he doesn't buy into the hate that's dominating the GOP right now. He's been positive about the stimulus, has worked with the President on new green jobs, and in the end I think none of it will help and that his real legacy is going to be that of a frustrated man continually blocked by Democrats with their hands in the state coffers and their heads right up their asses.

PostPosted:Wed May 13, 2009 7:17 pm
by SineSwiper
Replay wrote:Seriously, you really need to go look up figures before you go "durrr pot can fix everything".
I did.
Peter McWilliams wrote:We're spending more than fifty billion dollars per year catching and jailing consensual "criminals." In addition, we're losing at least an additional $150 billion in potential tax revenues. In other words, each man, woman, and child in this country is paying $800 per year to destroy the lives of 5,000,000 fellow citizens. If we did nothing else but declare consensual crimes legal, the $200,000,000,000 we'd save each year could wipe out the national debt in twenty years, or we could reduce personal income tax by one-third. Another economic high point: moving the underground economy of consensual crimes aboveground would create 6,000,000 tax-paying jobs. And then there's the matter of interest. The $50 billion we spend jailing consensual "criminals" is not just spent; it's borrowed. The national debt grows larger. Six percent interest compounded over thirty years adds $250 billion to that $50 billion figure a dandy legacy for our progeny.
Granted, consensual crimes are more than just marijuana, but it's a big chunk of it.

Here's figures for just drugs. Factor in that 47.4 percent of arrests are marijuana related, and that would mean that half of that money would be saved by legalizing marijuana. So, let's
do the math:

$1 billion in taxes (Calif alone)
$2 billion in state DCP money saved (factoring 13% of US GDP and arrest percentage above)

US total:
$7.6 billion in taxes
$25 billion in state/federal DCP money saved

PostPosted:Wed May 13, 2009 10:31 pm
by Mental
I am much chastened. Thanks for the heads-up.