Gaming PC help
PostPosted:Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:04 pm
Okey doke. The more i think about it, the more i want to buy a new gaming PC. I still have yet to pull the trigger on a next-gen console and think that is because when it all boils down to it i'm more of a PC gaming guy for its multiplayer titles (i will never be happy playing FPS's on a console without mouselook). Seek brought up netbooks in an earlier thread which made me think about my aging Vaio and how a desktop/netbook combo would be perfect to replace it.
So, im unsure what is out there nowadays. I built my PC (i.e. put pieces in a case) long ago back for college and had a blast doing it, but times have changed and i have no clue what the latest and greatest processors/vid cards/anything are anymore. I suppose it wouldnt take too much time to brush up, but looking at the built rigs on newegg is making me think that may be the route to go. ... 6883229117 ... 6883227158
The things are pretty cheap and i dont exactly need one that can play anything with all the settings jacked up to high.
Is AMD shit now and Intel is far superior? When is Windows 7 coming out? Is it worth waiting for it? What is a good amount of RAM now for games on the PC? What should be the medium vid card i need? Is there anything else on the horizon that i should wait for?...
So, im unsure what is out there nowadays. I built my PC (i.e. put pieces in a case) long ago back for college and had a blast doing it, but times have changed and i have no clue what the latest and greatest processors/vid cards/anything are anymore. I suppose it wouldnt take too much time to brush up, but looking at the built rigs on newegg is making me think that may be the route to go. ... 6883229117 ... 6883227158
The things are pretty cheap and i dont exactly need one that can play anything with all the settings jacked up to high.
Is AMD shit now and Intel is far superior? When is Windows 7 coming out? Is it worth waiting for it? What is a good amount of RAM now for games on the PC? What should be the medium vid card i need? Is there anything else on the horizon that i should wait for?...