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I'm not having a good week so far...
PostPosted:Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:33 pm
by Imakeholesinu
So I lost my Fantasy Football game on Sunday so we'll start there. After going 6-0 on my first game picks, I went 1-5 on my second game picks.
Monday I had issues at work and was there till about 6:30pm. Almost got into two accidents because people can't figure out how to drive in the rain.
Tuesday, got into work and heard that people were still having problems, got out of work on time after issues were resolved. Moved a mini-fridge out of my mom's house and ripped my jeans. Work called me at 3:00am and I didn't fall back asleep till 4:30.
Today, Mom closed the deal selling my childhood home. Went to lunch and my debit card was declined. Called to find out what happened, some douche over in London has my debit card number and attempted to pay for a toll. Took off work early to get a new card. Came home and went to take the mini-fridge down to the basement and start the laundry, found a snake in my hallway. After about 15 minutes, I coaxed it outside.
High points to the week:
Got my stimulus check from the government for my first time home buyer shit and the Blues are dominating Carolina 4-1 right now in N.C.
There...I feel better.
PostPosted:Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:11 pm
by Julius Seeker
Shogun got robbed of a victory at the top of the week.
I broke the zipper on my jeans, I was walking at lunch along the water front and it kept sliding down. There was a cruise ship in that was larger than the Titantic so there was a lot of people in the area.
Last night when I took back a faulty DVD set, I had to force the Customer Service guy to open all copies they had at the store and test them. They were all defective, now I have no season 1 BSG =(
But hey! The Leafs actually won this week! =P
PostPosted:Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:59 pm
by Shellie
My son is colicky. I win.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:58 am
by Zeus
Seraphina wrote:My son is colicky. I win.
Hey, last week I had to stay up 3 nights in a row with my kids 'cause they were sick. Up 'til 4am or 5am 3 nights in a row with the wifey taking the 7:30am and on while I slept. For a couple that's used to their kids sleeping 10-12 hours straight every night, that was a huge adjustment :-)
PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:41 am
by Flip
I got drunk last night and feel like complete crap right now at work. Plus, i logged onto my banks website and realized that my GF must have told her friends that they could put their drinks on my tab. Ugh.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:47 am
by Mental
Ha! All you childbearing types lulz me. I can't really have them so I look upon your sufferings with a jaundiced yet strangely amused eye.

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:53 pm
by Zeus
Replay wrote:Ha! All you childbearing types lulz me. I can't really have them so I look upon your sufferings with a jaundiced yet strangely amused eye.

Sufferings are minor when compared to the joy. When I finish the lightsabers, I'll post a pic of my twins in the homemade Luke and Leia costumes, that'll make you jealous :-)
PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:00 pm
by Shrinweck
I got fitted for a foot brace that goes up to just below my knee that I'm going to be wearing for the foreseeable future (years).
PostPosted:Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:01 am
by Zeus
Shrinweck wrote:I got fitted for a foot brace that goes up to just below my knee that I'm going to be wearing for the foreseeable future (years).
Wow, pain. What the heck caused that?
PostPosted:Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:45 am
by Shrinweck
Haha what a great way to ask. I was starting to get tired of "So. What did you do to it?" questions.
I was born with club feet and the correction surgery is not that great at the whole correction thing as much as it is at severing important muscles and moving bones into painful positions. When I hit my mid to late teens the pain started but it was manageable for a while and I eventually moved on to a somewhat mild opioid pain medication. Mid-summer this year the pain started to get really bad and I could hardly put any weight onto it.
I had nights where I would wake up in pain because I'd moved my foot a few degrees in my sleep. Every fifteen minutes. But still I'd dealt with pain in the past but it's stuck around for enough months that I've gone home to my parents to see a specialist. My main doctor told me that it had just degenerated a bit more and that whenever the pain became too great I should go in for a triple arthrodesis which involves severing where the bone from my leg meets my foot to a different part of my foot. I opted for the other option that doesn't involve 3 months where I can't put weight on my leg, let alone my foot.
The brace is made out of a very hard plastic that keeps my bones in a position that should make walking, and my real problem standing, more comfortable. I tested it out earlier this week but it won't get a proper test until I'm back home in Blacksburg.
PostPosted:Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:53 am
by Zeus
Damn, that's brutal. Hopefully this brace works out well for you and you can at least not be too painful when doing stuff everyone takes for granted (like standing).
But the question is: is the brace a temporary measure while the operation would be a permanent fix? If so, wouldn't it just be better to rehab for 3-6 months instead of wearing a brace that doesn't ease the pain as much for what appears to be years?
If all else fails, just get your roommate Leonodis to beat your leg into shape. That should work fine :-)
PostPosted:Sat Oct 31, 2009 3:00 am
by Shrinweck
Heh. The surgeon was all about the surgery and the brace guy was all about the brace, but I'm going to go with the brace guy. The surgery would also mostly destroy up and downwards mobility of the foot. Stairs, ramps, cobblestones, even, become something to think about whenever encountered. Lord I hope someone smarter than me is coming up with something new.
They've already come up with something better than the club foot surgery that I got when I was an infant - it's basically the same idea as Chinese foot binding from way back in the day. Very neat. Too late for me, now, though.
Edit: There's also a very good chance that I'd need the surgery again in 20-30 years. Fuuuck that.
PostPosted:Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:37 am
by Zeus
For sure, man. If the surgery doesn't provide a superior, permanent fix, it just ain't worth it. You don't spend 3-6 months in recovery if you're not going to be substantially better off. From the sounds of it, you won't be and that almost effectively eliminates it as an option
PostPosted:Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:06 pm
by Shrinweck
Well my the surgeon said it would alleviate up to 80% of the pain so I imagine some day it will probably be worth it. Just not in the middle of college. Maybe at the end of it?
PostPosted:Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:13 pm
by Kupek
Jesus Christ, man. I hope things get better.
PostPosted:Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:52 pm
by Zeus
Shrinweck wrote:Well my the surgeon said it would alleviate up to 80% of the pain so I imagine some day it will probably be worth it. Just not in the middle of college. Maybe at the end of it?
Yeah, maybe when you're done and looking to settle into a life it would make more sense to do it before and not having it hanging over your head. Also, you can see how the brace goes between now and then to see if it's even worth the risk.
PostPosted:Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:24 pm
by Imakeholesinu
Shin wins.