Today (and this is the second time now this has happened), my computer monitor was in standby, while my PC was on. This is normal obviously. I tried to wake it up and nothing. Rebooted, and I get no signal to my monitor. I pulled the power and video cable connections and reseated. Rebooted again, still no signal. After dealing with this issue for a couple of DAYS trying to figure out the problem the last time this happened, I knew what was wrong. Well, I dont know what happened but I know what to do to fix it. So I switched out Sine's monitor and mine. Boot up, and all is well, and my monitor comes up just fine on Sine's pc as well. WHAT THE HELL. Sounds like Vista lost the monitor driver or something, and changing out the monitor forced it to reload a new driver.
Anyone ever have this happen? Ive never had a problem while using Vista, except this.
Anyone ever have this happen? Ive never had a problem while using Vista, except this.
Being married to a programmer is like having a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure if it hears you, much less comprehends what you say.