I think the whole situation is a hilarious example of Glenn Beck encountering reality--a land where he seldom ventures. In his fantasy world, Obama is an anti-white racist would-be-dictator who wants to impose a socialist state in American (ala Venezuela) and throw all of the conservatives into re-education camps. The reality is that this guy was not strong-armed out of office by dems because he didn't support their "radical" (hah!) health care "government takeover", no, he was just a pervert who got too fresh with staffers who did not welcome his advances. In fact, only recently Massa was saying how he didn't feel the reforms went
far enough and would prefer a Canadian-style single-payer system. He's not some conservative Democrat forced out by liberals upholding the party line.
Canadian friends: yes, Glenn Beck has the most watched "news" (opinion) show in the US. Isn't that just fucked up?
Also, I took the Canadian immigration quiz when Bush got reelected and I qualify. I'm considering it if even Obama's moderate health care reform plan doesn't pass. What's the IT job market like in Vancouver or Toronto?