Julius Seeker wrote:Well, I was never one for capital punishment myself anyway, I wanted to see if you actually had an idea for reducing drug usage or if you were just another pro-drug activist who disregards the lives lost and ruined by drug addiction. Instead you think the anti-drug stance is stupid without considering how a harder approach is much more effective.
Otherwise I don't see this "war" on drugs as being a real war at all. Just legalizing stuff and then putting all the junkies in rehab, and treating all the related health issues, is going to cost the US a lot more than just 25 billion a year. A person has to want to quit in order for them to be successful, otherwise you're going to have people in and out of rehab for their lives.
I'm not going to even entertain the ideas about "killing all of the dealers". So, I'll focus on the other thoughts.
One, you seem to think that the War on (some) Drugs has costs in the billions. No. Try trillions.
So, by these estimates since from 1981 to 2000, there has been 7 trillion dollars spent or otherwise lost on the War on (some) Drugs. There has likely been another several trillion dollars spent/lost from 2000 to today.
Two, people need rehab whether it's illegal or not. Throwing them in jail is not rehab. So, you're basically saying that because there are costs in actually FIXING the rehab problem (instead of tossing them in jail to waste money and ignore the problem), it's a bad thing? Yes, let's spend some money on the people that need rehab. A couple of billion dollars on abuse issues is a good thing.
Let's not be naive about abusive people. There is a certain subset of people that will abuse things. If you take away the drugs, they will abuse alcohol. If you take away that, they will gamble, or cheat on their spouse, or whatever. There's an addiction clinic for every type of abuse out there, and people themselves are not exactly going to stick with only one addiction.
Yes, there may be an increased availability to drugs. (Though, drugs right now are easy to get. If I wanted to get something, anything, I can make a few phone calls and have it today.) But, the only people that are going to be a problem with drugs are the abusive types. I don't mess with drugs any more, because I simply don't have the time for them, and I have a kid to take care of. Many other people are the same, or they don't want to try them altogether, or they do occasionally use them without any ill effects. The abuse stories are the exceptions, but the media and this whole war wants to pretend it's the rule.