What happened to Nev recently?
PostPosted:Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:39 pm
Do you still lurk? Your posting went from probably the most active to nothing at all. Now, all i ever see is psychotic conspiracy theory posts on facebook.

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about...
Drew wrote:Just for reference, Brendan and I have some history.
I made a website ten years ago, and then gave it to him, asking nothing else in return. It is currently located where he has put it at http://tows.cc/ .
In return for this, I have been mocked, demeaned by him, and when I threw a shit-fit over at the Shrine (as it's called) about the fact that he kept allowing the word "homo" to be used on a regular basis there, I was eventually banned.... See More
I asked him to stop using my artwork, which I hold an implicit copyright on, and was laughed at.
Eventually, I "made up" with that place and went back, and tried to pretend everything was copacetic.
Apparently, it's not.
I'm just letting people know what kind of man you are, Brendan. I'm sorry you continually feel the need to be relentlessly demeaning in your life. Really, I am. God's mercy upon you. I just really have nothing to say anymore, given the way you treat me. It's pretty abominable.
Oh - and by the way, you're only assuming that I think the "clicking" is a valid part of that analysis, the way you've assumed so many things over the course of our acquaintance. I don't. I don't think the clicking is significant enough to measure, really, but the eyes and the tongue are. But this isn't a new pattern for you, making these kinds of assumptions, so I'm not sure how much of my time I want to spend on trying to correct them anymore.
Honestly, I haven't even read that whole rant, but it looks like it's full of awesome.Drew wrote:Also, for the benefit of other listeners, Brendan once got pissed at me, went and used some kind of a search engine to look up my address, and then posted it along with my name at the Shrine as a "punishment".
I advise my friends list not to have dealings with Brendan, as he is completely disrespectful of people's important private information... See More - if you make him angry, he might try to look up your address too, and post it in front of a whole bunch of people you've never personally met.
Brendan's a pretty deeply insecure and unkind person, and a dangerous one to know for the reason I mentioned. Exercise absolute care in the way you talk to him, or he might just do something dangerous, borderline-criminal, and disrespectful to you too.
Best to you, Sine. I've been pretty good to you, on the whole. You've been lousy to me, and dangerous. I don't see the need to put any stock in anything you say, and again, I recommend to the rest of my friends that they not deal with you, lest you feel the need to reach your electronic hand back into their lives and make statements indicating you feel you should have power or control over them too. I may be posting videos about the POSSIBILITY of reptilian humanoids in our world, but I sure have never done anything like what you've done to me. Thank God you got my address wrong when you did.
I expect you won't last long on my friends list, as I've finally woken up to the fact that you have no respect or decency for me as a human being and therefore are not a safe person to give access to my personal life too, anymore.
I hope you wake the fuck up someday to the kind of man you are, Brendan Byrd. I really do. Be decent. Be good to your fellow men and women.
If you can't do that, at least stop trying to hurt me or damage my reptuation, verbally, address-posting-wise or otherwise.
Do you think you can handle that? Or should I just kick you off my friends list now before you overstep yourself again?
See how he used the comma between care and can, and used a period? He's one of the reptile people!Eric wrote:Don't care, can we move on please.
Yes, it's ridiculous, and also a little funny, but seriously, let's move on. ;pSineSwiper wrote:See how he used the comma between care and can, and used a period? He's one of the reptile people!Eric wrote:Don't care, can we move on please.
Eric's always frightened me... this would explain why.SineSwiper wrote:See how he used the comma between care and can, and used a period? He's one of the reptile people!Eric wrote:Don't care, can we move on please.
I admit, I laughed.Oracle wrote:Eric's always frightened me... this would explain why.SineSwiper wrote:See how he used the comma between care and can, and used a period? He's one of the reptile people!Eric wrote:Don't care, can we move on please.
I always thought it was because he was black.
Arguing with Seek about Nintendo would be argued rationally? SRSLY?Eric wrote:I'd rather argue with Seek about Nintendo, Zeus's taste in movies, Sine's taste in music, Oracle's fear of black men that post on tOWS and are equipped with gigantic penises and sleep with lots and lots of girls, and Kupek's tendency to on occasion kick his foot into somebody's chest while screaming "THIS IS SPARTA", then argue with somebody that's clearly crazy. I mean in least in all of those cases these things can clearly be argued about rationally, and we know each other well enough to know why they happen.