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vending machines

PostPosted:Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:35 pm
by Don
Today I went to a vending machine and put in $2, and after I did I decided I didn't really want a drink at this time so I hit the coin return button, but the machine refused to return any money. :(

I ended up just getting the 20oz coke bottle that I originally was going to buy. Seems kind of weird you don't get to have your money back if you changed your mind!

Re: vending machines

PostPosted:Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:23 pm
by Lox
Most machines I've used will give you your money back. They just might not give it back in the form you gave it. For instance, the machines at work will give you back a golden dollars instead of returning the bill.

Re: vending machines

PostPosted:Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:44 pm
by Don
Well the machine only sold 20oz bottle drinks for $1.35. I know if you put in a dollar and hit return it'll give you $1 back. The denomination might not be the same but you get your dollar back, so I was pretty surprised to find that it refused to give them back when I put in $2.

I guess I can try to verify if it'll give just $1 back but I don't want to waste another $1!

Re: vending machines

PostPosted:Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:26 pm
by Kupek
Give it a moment's thought before you hand over your money.

Re: vending machines

PostPosted:Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:44 pm
by SineSwiper
That's not the point. The machine should work as designed. When the point of no return has been moved unexpectedly, the decision point is now off-kilter.

Re: vending machines

PostPosted:Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:24 am
by Don
It turned out a few other people complained of the same thing in the building. I think they just raised the price of all the food in the vending machine too for the guys who deliver the food/drinks. Maybe they changed the setting to make some extra money off vending machines.