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Don't Ask Don't Tell

PostPosted:Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:07 pm
by ManaMan
So the 08 Dem congress had it's final hurrah and overturned DADT. All I have to say is it's about time. If someone wants to serve in the military who the hell cares who they have consensual sex with on their own time?

Gay men have been serving in militaries throughout all of human history.

Oh yeah, and fuck John McCain.

Re: Don't Ask Don't Tell

PostPosted:Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:13 pm
by Flip
Yeah im happy to hear about that, too. I have no idea how life in service is (but i imagine it IS much different than your everyday corporate job american), but studies have shown that repealing DADT wont make much of a difference.

Re: Don't Ask Don't Tell

PostPosted:Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:41 pm
by Eric
I don't understand how our soldiers are supposed to fight when they're worried about being seduced hot soldier dude next to them!


Re: Don't Ask Don't Tell

PostPosted:Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:58 pm
by SineSwiper
Probably showed this before, but best damn argument about gays in the military:

Re: Don't Ask Don't Tell

PostPosted:Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:43 am
by Julius Seeker
I can just imagine the military in the future. They'll replace their military armoured vehicles for pink and sky blue coloured Mazda Miata convertibles. Their camo changed in for hot pink spandex. Drinking pepsi, pumping techno music, and driving around yelling out "yoohoo! Fun boys!" at the Iraq insurgents.

Seriously speaking though, I think gay people should run the military. Some of the history's very greatest military leaders were gay:

Frederick the Great - Best known for his many wigs and makeup. Frederick's father took his gay lover (Hans Hermann) and had him executed in front of Frederick. Frederick is also known for turning into a bloodthirsty warlord, taking his little Kingdom of Prussia, declaring war on Austria, France, Russia, Saxony, and the Swedish Empire all at the same time; and successfully established Prussia as a great power in Europe. Frederick was later regarded by the greatest warlords of modern history, Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler, as being the greatest tactical genius in military history.

Alexander the Great - best known for shaving his face setting a style trend which would follow leaders for hundreds and hundreds of years; also known for conquering the Persian Empire.

Emperor Hadrian - best known as the man who brought back facial hair into popularity after hundreds of years of banishment by shaved faced Emperors and politicians; also for securing the Danube frontier, the Rhine frontier, and the Northern border of Britain.

Re: Don't Ask Don't Tell

PostPosted:Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:05 pm
by SineSwiper
Was Alex the Great actually gay?