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Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:20 pm
by SineSwiper

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:45 pm
by Shrinweck
I sat through the entire thing and was rather pleased with his performance. Paul Ryan stood up pretty well to what I think we can all admit could be called nothing less than a no-holds-barred-assault, but I think Biden managed to make his points really well.

The whole "my friend" thing reminded me of Shakespere's Caesar, with Marc Antony referring to Brutus as a "honorable man" which managed to bring a smile to my face every time.

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:59 pm
by bovine
I like to keep my politics to myself, so as to more critically analyze and react to politics. This is especially important with something as purely subjective as politics, religion, and just their social beliefs in general.

This being said, I found that this debate really galvanized my personal beliefs and that I really liked what happened.

I also liked it when Baden wanted to say "shit".

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:23 am
by SineSwiper
bovine wrote:I also liked it when Baden wanted to say "shit".
It's Irish!


Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:15 pm
by Eric
It was an actual debate. Biden went in, Ryan responded, they argued, it was great.

It was what I wanted from Obama/Romney, but Obama was like "I gotta read soemthin down here..."

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:46 pm
by Flip
Eric wrote:It was an actual debate. Biden went in, Ryan responded, they argued, it was great.

It was what I wanted from Obama/Romney, but Obama was like "I gotta read soemthin down here..."
Hes a busy fucking guy, he doesnt have time for these games.

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:54 pm
by Shrinweck
Obama had his reasons but there's no question he screwed up on that account.

He's a much more gifted orator than Romney and hopefully he'll get his act together for the next debate. There was indeed still a lot of what Biden referred to as "loose talk" from the Ryan camp. The closer it gets to the election, the more apparent it will become how few specifics the Romney campaign has come up with and at that point people will have to decide if some rich guy running on the platform of "I'm not him" will fly.

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:07 pm
by SineSwiper
Eric wrote:It was an actual debate. Biden went in, Ryan responded, they argued, it was great.

It was what I wanted from Obama/Romney, but Obama was like "I gotta read soemthin down here..."
There were several of things going wrong with Obama in that debate:
  1. Jim Lehrer was pant-on-head retarded and spineless to boot. No sense of time restrictions. No follow up questions. And the questions that were asked weren't very good. He kept asking questions like "What's the difference between you two on this subject?" That's just going to incite talking points, not off-the-cuff thinking.
  2. Romney was planning on being aggressive from the beginning. Obama wasn't expecting this. Neither was Jim, who got steamrolled like a part-time football ref.
  3. Obama was wanting to play cool, calm, collected as a dignified president. This didn't work, especially since Romney was being the opposite.
  4. Obama didn't challenge what Romney said. This is absolutely critical in elections. (Case in point: Kerry 2004.)
All of that was fixed in this VP debate. The moderator was 50x better. Better questions were asked, including a badly needed chunk of foreign policy. Follow-up questions were asked, including "Can you be more specific?" (A major, major problem with the RMoney/RAyn ticket.) And of course, Biden was prepared to rip Ryan a new asshole, unlike what he couldn't do with Palin. And Biden can't stand listening to bullshit, practically gnashing at the teeth to respond.

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:30 pm
by Zeus
Flip wrote:
Eric wrote:It was an actual debate. Biden went in, Ryan responded, they argued, it was great.

It was what I wanted from Obama/Romney, but Obama was like "I gotta read soemthin down here..."
Hes a busy fucking guy, he doesnt have time for these games.
He wasn't very good and he admitted it a few days later. It is kinda sad how everyone is sayin' "Obama wasn't very good" as opposed to "R-Money KILLED him!". Mitt didn't exactly do himself any favours either so I don't think that particular debate accomplished much one way or the other. Neither did the VP debate was really was a back-and-forth tie. But that certainly was much more entertaining

Personally, I don't think any of the debates are gonna swing things too much one way or the other. This is an idealogical vote, not an issues one.

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:31 pm
by Shrinweck
Well... Romney at his best gets "He was so animated!" which isn't really a super great adjective for someone's debate performance. It's a great compliment for a candidate otherwise described as a robot, though.

And yeah the United States needs to go forward with one trend or the other - letting the rich keep more money and hope they keep us afloat (because god knows that's how rich people have operated in the past) or increasing taxation in order to fund government works (which is equally as shitty when everything is constantly being cock blocked). This wishy-washy bullshit clearly isn't doing anyone any good.

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:47 pm
by SineSwiper

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:49 pm
by SineSwiper
Shrinweck wrote:Well... Romney at his best gets "He was so animated!" which isn't really a super great adjective for someone's debate performance. It's a great compliment for a candidate otherwise described as a robot, though.

And yeah the United States needs to go forward with one trend or the other - letting the rich keep more money and hope they keep us afloat (because god knows that's how rich people have operated in the past) or increasing taxation in order to fund government works (which is equally as shitty when everything is constantly being cock blocked). This wishy-washy bullshit clearly isn't doing anyone any good.
Both sides are bad, so vote Republican?

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:41 am
by Shrinweck
That wasn't my point at all. This permanent tug of war isn't getting us any where and this election should act as a mandate from the population on what direction we want the government to go. It won't be, I don't have any illusions about that. The other point was just Republicans moving us towards an oligarchy and Democrats moving us towards big government. Clearly I'd rather the latter. Not sure where you picked up on me wanting to vote Republican at all. If Romney gets elected there's a chance I will never have medical insurance ever again. I would have to be fucking retarded to vote Republican this election.

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:15 am
by SineSwiper
Sorry, I've been rather sensitive to the whole "both sides are bad" argument, because it's a load of crap.

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:20 pm
by Shrinweck
Actually if you get past the rampant bigotry (race, class, sexual preference - take your pick), upper class favoritism, putting the Christian God into every facet of the government, and overall pandering to their base I kind of like some of the ideas the Republican party brings to the table. Those aren't things I can really look past though.

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:36 pm
by Zeus
Shrinweck wrote:Actually if you get past the rampant bigotry (race, class, sexual preference - take your pick), upper class favoritism, putting the Christian God into every facet of the government, and overall pandering to their base I kind of like some of the ideas the Republican party brings to the table. Those aren't things I can really look past though.
They are, after all, slightly important things.......

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:14 pm
by Shrinweck
I should also add the foreign diplomacy tactics of a 6th grade bully.

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:28 pm
by Shrinweck

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:57 pm
by Anarky
Apparently Obama got trained by Biden this week is asskicking 101.

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:20 pm
by Zeus
That's hilarious

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:54 pm
by Shrinweck
The I cast level 20 power word kill picture just makes me smile every time I click this thread.

Re: Unleash the Biden

PostPosted:Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:16 pm
by SineSwiper