Don wrote:I don't get why there are always people who write about things like everyone is Solid Snake (who, by the way, uses some pretty powerful weapons to do his job). Yes it doesn't matter for Solid Snake to reload in a game because he's a super soldier, but 'just 2 seconds to reload' is probably a lot of time if you're not a super soldier bred for war. It is easy to go in a vacuum and say a guy could stab 20 guys to death but you don't really hear about (successful) mass stabbings because it's actually pretty hard to do. Even from playing video game it should be readily obvious that the less ammo your gun holds the more vulnerable you would be because ammo runs out.
Two seconds doesn't matter much when nobody is armed in the first place. Not that I advocate arming teachers, but in the land of the unarmed, the guy with the gun wins, even when he's reloading.
Also, if they limited the number of bullets in a gun, does that make it better? If they banned 30 bullet clips and limited it to 20, are we saying that it's okay that, say, 15 people died, instead of 25? As somebody else pointed out, we aren't trying to prevent the crime as much as just limit the damage, and that seems wrong to begin with.
Don wrote:Okay so you can take multiple guns (would require more effort) and maybe dual wield them except it's not exactly that easy to make an accurate shot with your non dominant hand.
And Mythbusters has proven that dual wielding guns is fucking stupid. Only the Weaver stance and one-handed shoulder level stance have any level of accuracy.
Don wrote:Nobody says gun control would prevent violent crimes. The point is to make it hard to pull off, and just like taking down a pirate site does not magically make the whole piracy movement stronger (really sucks to have to find a new supplier each time it happens) people do not magically get better at the art of killing to compensate for tougher gun laws.
No, they just favor different weapons.
Let's talk less theoretically. What exactly do you want to happen in the scope of gun control? I'm tired of trying to steer the main focus of the conversation, so let's just talk what everybody wants to argue about.
Don wrote:Just look at the other country with stricter laws. According to the 'bad guys just get better' you'd expect in European country we'd hear about guys juggling 3 revolvers going on a rampage since they can't get better weapons but clearly that's no problem because they can either get them illegally or just get better with regular weapons! But European countries have very low deaths caused by guns. Bad guys in Europe didn't magically become more proficient with knives or baseball bats to compensate for the inability to get firearms easily.
And as I've been trying to say repeatedly, we aren't Europe. We aren't the UK, Australia, or Canada. If comparing countries with radically different backgrounds was accurate, then Switzerland and Britain couldn't co-exist the way they do. Both have low violent crime rates, and both have completely different approaches to gun control.
Don wrote:By the way I saw some statistics say that the death by gun is more likely in most major US cities compared to a civilian in Afghenstein.
I gravely question the accuracy of that stat, and even if it was "technically accurate", there's undoubtedly a bunch of missing half-truths in that stat.
Do I feel safer in Afghanistan over NYC?
Short answer: No!
Long answer: Fuck NOOOOOO!
Don wrote:Not to mention the notion that people would actually try to resist the government let alone the military taking their guns is downright absurd. If people actually tried to shoot back to whoever is confiscating the guns, those guys are likely to die horribly as soon as the military gets involved and people might finally realize they're not Solid Snake. You'd have a far better chance of trying to vote Obama or whoever out then hoping that you can somehow get enough guys with guns to resist the US military.
Goddamn, man, with the amount of video game analogies you make, it's no wonder the NRA blames video game violence in their idiotic speech. Anyway...
First of all, Waco. Second, like you said earlier, it depends on if the military is actually willing to bomb their own citizens, which isn't bloody likely. Third, win or lose, I truly believe that there are enough dedicated people in this country that would rise up and start shooting to start some form of a Civil War if the 2nd Amendment was outright struck down. No, it wouldn't be neatly divided like our actual Civil War (which only happened because the South had most of the slaves), but it would start pockets of resistance throughout the country. And the bloodshed would be epic.
Whether you agree or not, people here don't take an outright ban of guns lightly. Many consider it an affront to the very fabric of the nation, which was founded by rebels using guerrilla warfare. You Cantucks with your beady eyes and flappy heads were born of the crown and still never left the crown, so you don't quite get it. The practicality of that belief doesn't really matter. Most of these folks invoke god and guns in the same sentence, so shaking that away won't be easy.