My cousins visited me this month. The last time they were here was like 10 years ago and they were saying that I'm on the computer too much and they'd never marry a guy who spends all day looking at a computer screen and blah blah blah. Now that they're married with their own family I was trying to talk to the guy they married except they were looking at a iPad or a iPhone the whole time. They also asked me if I want a iPad/iPhone/Android/whatever because you can totally surf the Net anytime with it and play games that are done with equivalent of 10 year old (and that might be generous) technology. Yes you can do it anywhere but if I care about that stuff so much I'd never leave my house in the first place, and when I see someone glued to an iWhatever it makes me wonder why does that guy even leave his house at all since you can do all that at home. I also know people who use a iWhatever all day at home instead of a computer to do stuff like surfing the Web, because apparently having a smaller screen is superior to having a big screen.
The only explanation I can think of is being glued to a smartphone is somehow cool while using a device with far more power and screen size is not. I literally don't get what's the obsession with the smartphones. It seems like people are doing stuff they otherwise would do on a computer, and they'd often do it so obsessively that I think you'd be better off just never leaving your house since they're clearly not accomplishing anything else. I mean this isn't like say you want to know if the Lakers won but you got to pick up food so you checked on the way to grocery. No it's more like I ask you to come hang out at my house and I'd see you looking at the scoreboard from some app on the Lakers game even though I got a big screen with the same game going on.
The only explanation I can think of is being glued to a smartphone is somehow cool while using a device with far more power and screen size is not. I literally don't get what's the obsession with the smartphones. It seems like people are doing stuff they otherwise would do on a computer, and they'd often do it so obsessively that I think you'd be better off just never leaving your house since they're clearly not accomplishing anything else. I mean this isn't like say you want to know if the Lakers won but you got to pick up food so you checked on the way to grocery. No it's more like I ask you to come hang out at my house and I'd see you looking at the scoreboard from some app on the Lakers game even though I got a big screen with the same game going on.