Saying stuff backwards
PostPosted:Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:20 pm
I haven't done this in years, but it's fun.
Last night, my friend and I recorded ourselves saying phrases backwards (quite a few were Napolean Dynamite quotes) and then reversing them and listening to them "forwards".
I don't know why but it's fun especially when the "forwards" version makes it sound like you're saying "I like big butts" as a drunken Scottish man.
Anyone else ever done this?
Last night, my friend and I recorded ourselves saying phrases backwards (quite a few were Napolean Dynamite quotes) and then reversing them and listening to them "forwards".
I don't know why but it's fun especially when the "forwards" version makes it sound like you're saying "I like big butts" as a drunken Scottish man.
Anyone else ever done this?