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The woman in florida died...
PostPosted:Thu Mar 31, 2005 12:19 pm
by Imakeholesinu
Oh and on the heels of this, an intelligence report came out today that also stated that there were no WMD's in iraq. Isn't it kinda odd to have the president speak on both of these topics in the same press conference? I smell something...and it isn't me...
PostPosted:Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:35 pm
by Flip
Good, may she rest in peace. I'm glad she died with some dignity left as some people may still remember her for who she was instead of what she became. If she lived out her life as a vegatable people would have forgotten her real identity.
PostPosted:Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:40 pm
by Zeus
It kinda reminds me when all the conservaitves in this country simultaneously had pickles injected up their asses when the federal government decided to give 12-20 million to help the NHL teams out (background info: Canadian teams actually pay full taxes; the Montreal Canadians and Ottawa Senators pay more taxes than all the US teams combined) because, well, it's good business. A few days later, with the streets being overrun by the disenchanted public, the federal government retracted their promise.....then decideds to tell the country that they "lost" $1 billion. Did anyone notice the loss? No, they were too busy cheering the penny pinching of the $12-20 mil that they have been milking off of the sports teams (more background info: entertainment artists, Hollywood, and other forms of entertainment are given massive tax breaks to come up here yet they rape the teams that actually provide to the community on a regular basis).
BTW, on the Shaivo case: man, that woman was suffering for 10 freakin' years. Would you want to live like that? It's mercy IMO
PostPosted:Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:53 pm
by the Gray
Actually it was 15 years Zeus, her hear attack that caused the PVS was in 1990.
I've followed the case as more of an interest in how the US gov't bodies are working. That is, a more legal perspective. The issues of the 3 branches of gov't and their influence on each other have my interest really piqued.
On the moral/ethical side I'm completely with the Husband on this one. If a person is no longer cognitive, and have no future chance to be, are they really alive? It definately ties in to the abortion issue, which is why everyone is stirred up IMO. My belief on Abortion is still very Pro-choice, so it's probably not too surprising I'm on the side that would let her body go.
PostPosted:Thu Mar 31, 2005 2:00 pm
by Gentz
What I don't understand is that if you believe in Heaven and souls and all that shit, wouldn't you want to let a good person die and go on to paradise instead of remaining holed up in some useless husk of a body? Fucking retarded.
Also, South Park last night was (for once) right on the money: the only people "playing God" in this situation were the doctors artificially keeping her body alive while her brain was dead. The "Christian" thing to do should be to let her pass on naturally.