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Interesting odds chart
PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:45 am
by SineSwiper
PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:54 am
by Oracle
I disagree with 0% chance of smallpox.
PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:21 am
by SineSwiper
In 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared smallpox extinct and recommended that all countries cease vaccination.
I think this chart is assuming that bioterrorism isn't a factor. Besides, there were serious talks of destroying the ones we have in the lab, too.
PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:55 am
by Julius Seeker
Odds are that my next meal will be from Mcdonalds is 1 in 8. Heh, maybe for the general population; odds of me eating at Mcdonalds are fairly slim, particularly because I haven't eaten there in the last 7 or 8 years. It makes me sick that people actually willingly put that crap into their bodies.
PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:26 am
by SineSwiper
Whatever. I ate there last night, because nothing's open at 10PM.
PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:52 am
by Flip
*shrug* I like McD's and am under the calculated weight for my height. Its just food, but your high and mighty attitude doesnt surprise me.
PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:58 am
by Nev
I'm shooting for "execution by U.S. civil authorities"!
PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:15 pm
by Julius Seeker
Flip wrote:*shrug* I like McD's and am under the calculated weight for my height. Its just food, but your high and mighty attitude doesnt surprise me.
It has absolutely nothing to do with a "high and mighty attitude"; that's a fairly groundless assumption. It's a difference of opinion. You call it food, I call it disgusting.
PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:31 pm
by Nev
I encourage everyone to be calm and not post knee-jerk reactions to Seek...just imagine how beautiful the Shrine could be if no one responded to him...that's not meant as a dig at him, just as Dog's honest truth...
PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:46 pm
by Kupek
It's still not zero. "Too small to measure" is probably more appropriate.
PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:47 pm
by Flip
Hes a blatant troll and i dont mind arguing with him, when someone is an ass and an idiot, they deserve to know it.
(Any normal person) "I dont like to eat greasy food."
(Seeker) "It makes me sick that people eat that disgusting stuff."
It just screams for a confrontation and his lack of ability to see it warrants a response to point it out. Hell, maybe one day he'll actually become a better person who people actually want around.
PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:32 pm
by Blotus
They forgot to include my likely end: dangerous motorcycle stunt.
PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:40 pm
by Julius Seeker
Flip wrote:Hes a blatant troll and i dont mind arguing with him, when someone is an ass and an idiot, they deserve to know it.
(Any normal person) "I dont like to eat greasy food."
(Seeker) "It makes me sick that people eat that disgusting stuff."
It just screams for a confrontation and his lack of ability to see it warrants a response to point it out. Hell, maybe one day he'll actually become a better person who people actually want around.
The bottom statement is accurate to how I feel. It wouldn't make me a better person to use a more euphamistic tone (as in the top one), it would just make me full of shit. How about a little bit of philosophy stemming from Ulrich Zwingli and Martin Luther: If my 100% honest opinions offend you Flip so much, then it's because you fear that they are correct. You fear deep down that indeed it might be a disgusting habit to eat at Mcdonalds. You would rather hear a watered down euphamistic approach where I would say I do not like greesy foods; and even if it would make you feel more safe and secure in the fact that you eat that stuff, it wouldn't be accurate of my opinion on the matter.
Unforunately Flip, I am not a fan of euphamisms. I find honesty a much more appealing trait for myself. I think that you're just way too uptight.
I am not just making this up on the spot either, I formed this opinion about you a long time ago. You certainly would like to live in a world of safety where you could never possibly be hurt:
PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:49 am
by Nev
Seeker, if you want to work in the psychiatric industry, you might want to consider that there may be something to the opinion, sometimes expressed here, that you are not good at accurate self-examination.
Related to this, can you post for me an example of a thread where you've been wrong?
PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:18 am
by Flip
can you post for me an example of a thread where you've been wrong?
No kidding. If Seeker doesnt think it or do it, it isnt right. That is his warped view.
The funny thing is, after Seekers crack psychology review (for which i have no idea how the link supported, or even how someone can come to such a conclusion, anyone who knows me would just laugh in his face) i thought for about 2 senconds on how to defend myself, but quickly determined there would be no point. In Seekers world everyone is wrong and his malformed opinions are spot on, to him atleast, and nothing sways that opinion. How do you explain to a guy who always thinks he is right that he is so clearly wrong most of the time? Even a poll of public opinion gets brushed off as "Everyone else are idiots." If we could send one person here to get a professional psych review, i would defenitely vote Seek as he is the most messed up person i have met. Talk about insecurity about oneself when he MUST be right all the time.... that cant be healthy.
I didnt mean tot thread jack another one, sorry Sine, but i'll finish by saying to Seeker, there is a big difference between being honest and being a jerk. Again, your lack of ability to decipher between the two is another reason why you, my wee brained companion, are an idiot.
PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:10 am
by Kupek
Flip wrote:Hes a blatant troll and i dont mind arguing with him, when someone is an ass and an idiot, they deserve to know it.
If you think he's a troll, why bother taking the bait?
PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:18 am
by Lox
Kupek wrote:Flip wrote:Hes a blatant troll and i dont mind arguing with him, when someone is an ass and an idiot, they deserve to know it.
If you think he's a troll, why bother taking the bait?
Because he's a troll-muncher.

PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 12:52 pm
by Nev
Seriously. Flip, you're not really helping the "Save-A-Seek" case here by calling him an idiot or whatnot. You have to back up criticisms in some way or you just end up with as much of a lack of credibility as he does.
PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:06 pm
by Kupek
Mental wrote:Seriously. Flip, you're not really helping the "Save-A-Seek" case here by calling him an idiot or whatnot. You have to back up criticisms in some way or you just end up with as much of a lack of credibility as he does.
You're doing it too.
PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:07 pm
by Nev
Which? I'd thought (with a few exceptions, I will admit) that usually I try to back up my criticisms...
PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:18 pm
by Kupek
Mental wrote:Which? I'd thought (with a few exceptions, I will admit) that usually I try to back up my criticisms...
Backing up your criticisms doesn't matter. He doesn't care. You're taking the bait. I realized a while ago that Seeker is not interested in communication like most people are, so I stopped trying.
PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:19 pm
by Nev
Well, agreed. I know you're right and I ought to just stop baiting him/taking his bait, but for some reason it's fun sometimes...
PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:11 pm
by Flip
You have to back up criticisms in some way or you just end up with as much of a lack of credibility as he does.
Huh? I think you missed...
there is a big difference between being honest and being a jerk. Again, your lack of ability to decipher between the two
That is the backup. Most people can tell when they are being hostile or neutral with a statement. I'm pointing out that he is too stupid to do this.