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More drunken messaging!
PostPosted:Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:36 pm
by Nev
In my apartment! Alone! Though I'm going to try to coerce my friend to do something later.
I may not have company, but I still enjoy my own. You won't get me to admit this is bad for me if you hold a gun to my head.
Well, maybe then. But I still won't mean my heart...

PostPosted:Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:30 pm
by the Gray
Excellent. I'm on my 4th Gin & Tonic of the day, while my pansy roomate is mumbling something about his liver blah blah blah.
I've been drinking since Thursday (took Thur/Fri off) and it's been damn good times. I've managed to get two phone numbers and have actually followed up on one of them. Sometimes I amaze myself when slightly inebriated.
Anyway, keep the good times goin.
PostPosted:Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:24 am
by Nev
That's hilarious!
I may have to actually stop for awhile because it's killing my physical fitness (not necessarily my liver, just my inclination to work out and get in shape), but I just have a problem with the idea that drinking alone is bad for anyone and everyone. Just because a few people abuse it doesn't mean it can't be done in moderation.
PostPosted:Mon Jun 27, 2005 1:19 am
by Kupek
My tolerance is low enough now that two glasses of wine has me flying. I don't drink much anymore because of my workout schedule. The day of or the day after a workout, I'm disinclined to drink because, hey, I just spent a lot of effort to do good things to my body. Drinking just seems counterproductive. Since, in some fashion, almost every day of the week is either a workout day or the day after, I don't drink much. The only time where I feel a drink or two is worth it is social gatherings.
I never drank alone until I met a particular girl, and then only really drank alone because of her. I generally don't see the point.
PostPosted:Mon Jun 27, 2005 1:32 am
by Tortolia
I'll have a few gin and tonics now and again, and a beer or two if I'm at a restaurant, but that's about it for me these days.
PostPosted:Mon Jun 27, 2005 4:56 am
by Nev
To each his own, and if that own happens to be a bottle of Pyrat (Pirate)

Reserve, I say, yarrrrrrrr!
Seriously, I know there are plenty of dangers to drinking alone...but my experience has been that most people who have serious problems with it are drinking for reasons of loneliness, escape, or to kill some sort of pain. As far as I'm aware, those are not reasons why I drink, when I do - for me, it's just for enjoyment. I'm not getting so shitfaced that I'm not getting my work done, or yakking all over the place and waking up in a haze of vomit, and I have yet to experience a craving for alcohol when I wasn't drunk.
As I said, I may stop for awhile because I'd like to get in better shape, but I dislike the idea of stigmatizing alcohol because it's alcohol, as opposed to getting people to take responsibility for consequences of misuse, which I think is a far better way to go.
PostPosted:Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:45 am
by EsquE
I'm a beer and a shot man myself. Labatt or Heineken with a shot of Tequila, J.D. or Wild Turkey.
For more sophisticated intoxication (at a restaurant or fancier nightclub) I got with a Manhattan...
PostPosted:Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:01 am
by SineSwiper
I'm usually a social drinker, so I only drink on social occasions.