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Somebody basically summed up my outlook on life

PostPosted:Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:35 pm
by Agent 57
Some genius on DC's Craigslist wrote:Post Title: Help For The Confused

Let me explain: You are a bag of meat. Basically you are an ambulatory digestive system with some reproductive organs attached. Aside from that you would just be a tube sucking things in one end and crapping them out the other. It's just one of those sociological oddities that one end of your digestive tube is acceptable to expose in public while the other, in most circles, is considered rude to stick in someone's face. In between eating and excreting and working on using those gonads to make more copies of genetic material which is your only reason for being anyway, you will have some things called thoughts and feelings that really don't amount to much anyway. Then you will die, maybe after passing on some of your genetic material, maybe not, and probably after not being happy most of the time and posting on Craig's List a lot about how fucked up you are, apparently under the misconception that it actually matters. Then after you die other little alimentary canals will gobble you up to fuel their thoughtless, albeit not unhappy, little lives.

OK. That's it. Carry on.

PostPosted:Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:48 pm
by Agent 57
Actually, most of the latest batch of craigslist "best of" is pretty damn good this month. Funny stuff.

PostPosted:Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:53 pm
by Tortolia
HK-47 approves.

PostPosted:Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:59 pm
by SineSwiper
Tortolia wrote:HK-47 approves.
Or "ugly bags of mostly water".

PostPosted:Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:08 am
by Ishamael
May as well enjoy before we I get eaten by those alimentary canals!

PostPosted:Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:04 am
by Imakeholesinu
If I believed in that, then I wouldn't be with my bunny. There are better things in life, even if you are disolusioned into thinking there are. Who gives a shit as long as YOU are happy.

PostPosted:Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:09 am
by Agent 57
Okay, so I used the wrong words in my subject title. Perhaps I should have phrased it "Somebody summed up a point of view that I have occasionally when I want to remind myself why most drama is pointless, why most people are essentially the same, and why, in the grand grand scheme of things, humans really aren't such a big screaming deal anyway."


PostPosted:Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:15 pm
by Julius Seeker
That is an incredibly simplified view of things. The fact that we have the ability to write and do things means we can imortalize ourselves. Hammurabi died nearly four thousand years ago, we all know who he was. We are still living in a world forged by the actions of Adolf Hitler who died 60 years ago.

PostPosted:Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:28 pm
by Nev
I think it could be safely argued that you took the "Legend In His Own Mind Award" completely the wrong way.

PostPosted:Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:29 pm
by Agent 57
The Seeker wrote:That is an incredibly simplified view of things. The fact that we have the ability to right and do things means we can imortalize ourselves. Hammurabi died nearly four thousand years ago, we all know who he was. We are still living in a world forged by the actions of Adolf Hitler who died 60 years ago.
Your troll bait is rapidly losing its subtlety.

PostPosted:Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:59 pm
by Julius Seeker
You find it offensive that I feel that this particular opinion is far too narrow a view on human life? Please explain?

PostPosted:Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:01 pm
by Julius Seeker
Mental wrote:I think it could be safely argued that you took the "Legend In His Own Mind Award" completely the wrong way.
I really have absolutely zero idea as to what you are talking about.

PostPosted:Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:48 pm
by Agent 57
The Seeker wrote:You find it offensive that I feel that this particular opinion is far too narrow a view on human life? Please explain?
What, you think I'm offended? Not at all. You, in fact, make a halfway decent point in that some people can occasionally do something that makes a mark on other people enough so that they tell other people about it.

However, history is neither all-pervasive (not "everybody" knows who Hammurabi was, only people that have been told who he was) nor essential to human existence.

The opinion posted above does, as you mention, pare human existence down to its simplest terms, which I think can apply pretty well to those people who end up not being immortalized (which ends up being the vast majority of the human beings who have ever walked this earth). You therefore hold the opinion that the posted view is far too narrow for human life, whereas I find it just narrow enough for all of human life except for that of a miniscule percentage of extraordinary people. I find no reason to be offended by that difference of opinion.

I did find your post to be troll bait, however, simply by the harsh language used in attempting to gainsay me, the blatant spelling and grammar errors (which I thought was a sham at first, but then you actually corrected your use of "right" when you meant "write" so now I'm not so sure), and your choice of generally regarded "evil" historical figures (Hammurabi and Hitler as opposed to say, Buddha and Watson & Crick).

PostPosted:Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:58 pm
by Nev
The Seeker wrote:
Mental wrote:I think it could be safely argued that you took the "Legend In His Own Mind Award" completely the wrong way.
I really have absolutely zero idea as to what you are talking about.
I hope that someday the light shines through. :)

PostPosted:Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:32 pm
by Julius Seeker
Agent 57 wrote:
The Seeker wrote:You find it offensive that I feel that this particular opinion is far too narrow a view on human life? Please explain?
What, you think I'm offended? Not at all. You, in fact, make a halfway decent point in that some people can occasionally do something that makes a mark on other people enough so that they tell other people about it.

However, history is neither all-pervasive (not "everybody" knows who Hammurabi was, only people that have been told who he was) nor essential to human existence.

The opinion posted above does, as you mention, pare human existence down to its simplest terms, which I think can apply pretty well to those people who end up not being immortalized (which ends up being the vast majority of the human beings who have ever walked this earth). You therefore hold the opinion that the posted view is far too narrow for human life, whereas I find it just narrow enough for all of human life except for that of a miniscule percentage of extraordinary people. I find no reason to be offended by that difference of opinion.

I did find your post to be troll bait, however, simply by the harsh language used in attempting to gainsay me, the blatant spelling and grammar errors (which I thought was a sham at first, but then you actually corrected your use of "right" when you meant "write" so now I'm not so sure), and your choice of generally regarded "evil" historical figures (Hammurabi and Hitler as opposed to say, Buddha and Watson & Crick).
All I can say about that typo is, WOOPS =)

Anyways, it is true, not everyone makes a mark on the worlds history, but that is really only a single example of what impacts a human life. Except for the cultural reference, the view explains a common survival need of every species of animal beyond the most basic phyla. As we move up the ladder, there are more than just those basic survival needs which factor into the lives of every animal. Human beings are an incredibly unique species, there is so much that factors into our lives. Anyways, I'll write more later, I have to get going. In short, essentially what makes us different from other animals is our hands in combination with intelligible speech and a very high intelligence level in comparison to most species of animal. Those are all basic properties of a human being.

And Mental, you're making no sense; get some sleep =)

PostPosted:Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:39 pm
by Tortolia
Why is this thread still going? It's been Godwinned.

PostPosted:Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:11 pm
by SineSwiper
Yeah, you're right. I wasn't paying attention:
